Loka Forums

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  1. gm_madeline

    Loka Fabric x1.0

    Loka Fabric, reimagined. Link: https://modrinth.com/modpack/loka-fabric
  2. gm_madeline

    The sun rises over Seraphim

    << Introducing the town of Seraphim, born in the heart of Ascalon. >> (also known as Volarys, the name is being changed.) -[v]- -[^]- More to come. Build info: 34,947 Bone Blocks Height: 130 Wingspan: 185 Tools used: drububu voxelizer, blender, worldedit, litematica Built...
  3. gm_madeline

    virfy for Sentry

    Age: 19 Current rank: Slicer Which rank you are applying for: Sentry What you think is expected of this rank: Sentries are moderators, and just like all of the other staff positions, they represent Loka. As such, they should be held at a much higher standard than the average player, and should...