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  1. K

    Unmute appeal

    Ign: litlhijs old ign: oekoe reason for mute: toxicity/harassment ------------------------------------------ Hello loka, I have been muted for over 2 years if I remember correctly. I got muted because I was stupid, and thought I didn't care about loka. I said some pretty bad words to multiple...
  2. _Muppet

    _Muppet guide chat unmute appeal

    I've been muted in Guide Chat for like almost 2 years at this point and I have to admit I really do not remember the reason. I think it was like talking off topic in guide chat or something. Pretty dumb reason to get perm muted in a channel, imo, but I kinda need to ask questions occasionally so...
  3. P

    SaysWhooo/Psykou Unmute appeal

    Hey friends and fellow lokans, over the past few months I've enjoyed this server, trying to sustain good relationships with all players I come across, however; a couple months back I had multiple disputes in public chat with a group of players from the community, though these players were...