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1.13 Discussion and Ideas


Well-Known Member
So I was originally going to leave one of my ideas but realized I want to also just have some 1.13 hype discussion so I'm posting this here.

So 1.13 is going to add A LOT of stuff in case anyone hasn't heard yet. Tons of underwater additions that I'm personally extremely excited about to add to the reason to explore the oceans and I thought maybe there's a chance to really add a reason to explore the vast oceans of Loka more. Perhaps can have small underwater structures that randomly appear (if that's possible I really have no clue what kind of limitations there are I just like throwing ideas out there) mainly for the purpose of gathering Prismarine blocks because I just have issues with how the only way to get it is the daily dock blocks.

With the addition of Prismarine steps and slabs it really will be growing to be a viable building material more so than it already was. I just think there should be some way to gather it in the world but I also think it should still be relatively difficult to obtain and an update to the oceans seems like the perfect time to possibly implement that.

Whenever 1.13 comes out and whenever Loka updates to it I'm sure there will be many MANY people scrambling to use all the new blocks and features to their fullest extent. I would love to hear other ideas that people have on just what you plan on doing once 1.13 comes out (most of which I think will be involving tridents which I'm extremely excited for as well) and for possible additions to Loka that you're all thinking of that can be potentially introduced with this new update.