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1.17.1 framedrop


Well-Known Member
I looked over babycat’s very informative post and I definitely see lower fps on my end but its like WAY lower than the estimated 30%. Using spawn as an example I used to average 270 FPS with 1.16.4 and now I'm getting like 100 and I'm sure the new spawn may be playing a factor as well as other factors. Also I understand that 100 FPS is still pretty high but it's noticeable for me and feels way different compared to the 270 FPS im used to as well as that's 100 FPS at spawn. The reason I made this post is to just ask what people have done to cope with the FPS drop if they have at all. I have messed with optifine settings and what not but I don't wanna turn my chunk render distance to 4.


Well-Known Member
overall, conquest and town fps has remained deadly similar, so I just keep on playing.


Well-Known Member
using higher res packs on 1.17 kill fps, you're better off using a maxhaxpax if you are using a high res pack. Plus particles kill fps so I just keep them off. It's sad to have them go


Well-Known Member
I switched from sodium 1.16 to 1.17 and got worse fps, so I switched to optifabric and I got a lot better performance, worth trying out one of the different performance mods to see what works for you


Well-Known Member
Todays balak fight is the first time I have ever got under 60 FPS for the majority of a fight so I decided to do some reseach and I found that 1.17 updated to OpenGL3.2+ and I found that this transition brings better optimizaton for PC's but there are bugs that are resulting in the opposite effect on some PC's. It is something that Minecraft is aware of and plans to fix in new updates. I got this all from multiple forums posts on planet minecraft and minecraft feedback all kinda saying the same thing. Oh well wait for 1.17.2 ig.