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1.8 Endermite


Active Member
So I was thinking about the 1.8 update and realized something regarding one of the new mobs, endermite. As most of you probably know, endermite are similar to silverfish, but have a 5% chance of spawning when you use an ender pearl. I was wondering how Loka would adapt to this new concept and whether or not anything would change. The endermite would become an issue due to the town perk which enables town members to throw pearls without consuming them. I suggest you disable the spawning of endermite within town territory if you are to do anything about it. If not, all is cool :)
I would dare say the endermites would become a MAJOR asset to the server when 1.8 comes around. I believe they are the only things that endermen automatically hate. This would give the option of putting them into enderman traps to harvest more enderpearls. This would become an unlimited supply of endermites to place in endermen traps for harvesting enderpearls. If you want to make it easy to create these traps, then that might be a an incentive to gain that town perk. However, turning off endermite spawning in towns would make issues with people creating these traps legit.
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This would give the option of putting them into enderman traps to harvest more enderpearls.
Unfortunately, endermen don't drop enderpearls in the end, but it would still be an amazing, resource friendly exp farm that practically anyone with basic Minecraft knowledge could build. If we're talking about an overworld endermen grinder, then I'd have to disagree and say that those aren't worth your time building due to the lack in outcome for time spent building.
Unfortunately, endermen don't drop enderpearls in the end
I was talking about endermites in towns. The easier it is to spawn endermites, then the easier it is the control endermen that spawn inside your town. To ether lure into a shaded area to harvest after the night or to lure them into a small fall trap.
If we're talking about an overworld endermen grinder, then I'd have to disagree and say that those aren't worth your time building due to the lack in outcome for time spent building.

If endermen still agro onto endermites then I would be able to build a working shade storage in less then 3 min and a working fall trap in ~6 min. Unlimited endermites would make that process all the more easier. If I were to make 10-20 shade harvester/fall trap around a town... then I would risk saying the outcome could be substantial. Especially if you were able to harvest them with looting swords.
If you have Pearlescent, then you have the ability to toggle Mob Spawning in your town. You could make the determination of whether you wanted them to spawn from your pearls or not that way. Though you could feasibly also spam the crap out of pearls to generate large amounts of endermites.

Most likely we'll disable endermite spawning from any infinite pearls would be my guess.
lol actually that would be a good defence against raiders. Have a town perk that would increase the endermites spawn rate on any non town members enderpearl thrown within your town.
Possibly have the endermite despawn quickly afterwards to avoid issues.
I would dare say the endermites would become a MAJOR asset to the server when 1.8 comes around. I believe they are the only things that endermen automatically hate. This would give the option of putting them into enderman traps to harvest more enderpearls. This would become an unlimited supply of endermites to place in endermen traps for harvesting enderpearls. If you want to make it easy to create these traps, then that might be a an incentive to gain that town perk. However, turning off endermite spawning in towns would make issues with people creating these traps legit.

I don't remember where, but I had a conversation with Zor on here awhile back where I mentioned endermites making pearl farms possible, and he claimed that they weren't because the server didn't keep named hostile mobs. Well, it does (e.g. Sir Kay), so pearl farms might be something Crypt has to look at.
I don't remember where, but I had a conversation with Zor on here awhile back where I mentioned endermites making pearl farms possible, and he claimed that they weren't because the server didn't keep named hostile mobs. Well, it does (e.g. Sir Kay), so pearl farms might be something Crypt has to look at.
I would say pearl farms would be a good asset to the server. However, a town would have to have the option to toggle between allowing endermites to spawn in their town or unlimited enderpearl use in their town. That would be the only way to keep the endermite farming asset without allowing people to abuse spamming pearls to make farms.
On two separate occasions I have named silverfish to keep them as pets and they've both despawned. One was even in spawn protection which never unloads. And no, named silverfish cannot burrow into the ground so I don't know what happened.
Sir Kay was a baby zombie in diamond armor who lived in a floating cage in Citadel for several months. Ron eventually let him out and killed him for his armor. Dunno why the server would keep him but not your silverfish.