I don't know how many players are aware but switching to the newest upgraded version of Minecraft can be crazy difficult and shorten the expected life span of admins by multiple years. Loads of stuff can break, everything changes, and servers can crash and burn. I have personal experience doing some upgrades and even when you're super careful and make good decisions, upgrading can be stressful and mean some late nights.
So just a quick shoutout to the admin team for making the transition remarkably fast and with no massive changes that ended with players running around with their hair on fire. Not sure whether it was easy as flipping a switch or you'll need a vacation to deal with the hell you went through, but know that your work is highly appreciated.
Great job!
So just a quick shoutout to the admin team for making the transition remarkably fast and with no massive changes that ended with players running around with their hair on fire. Not sure whether it was easy as flipping a switch or you'll need a vacation to deal with the hell you went through, but know that your work is highly appreciated.
Great job!