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1.9 Migration Shoutout


Well-Known Member
I don't know how many players are aware but switching to the newest upgraded version of Minecraft can be crazy difficult and shorten the expected life span of admins by multiple years. Loads of stuff can break, everything changes, and servers can crash and burn. I have personal experience doing some upgrades and even when you're super careful and make good decisions, upgrading can be stressful and mean some late nights.

So just a quick shoutout to the admin team for making the transition remarkably fast and with no massive changes that ended with players running around with their hair on fire. Not sure whether it was easy as flipping a switch or you'll need a vacation to deal with the hell you went through, but know that your work is highly appreciated.

Great job!


Staff member
Thanks Ajaxan! Surprisingly, 1.9 was one of the quickest and smoothest updates Minecraft has had in years. Stuff still broke and crashed, but we got to update to 1.9 within a week of its release. Loka's release of 1.8 was something like a month and a half after 1.8 came out due to the drama with Bukkit.


Well-Known Member
1.8 also significantly changed how future updates work so hopefully from now on it'll be fairly quick. Of course it's still no Mod API...



Well-Known Member
Herobrine is not some lines of code that can be removed. He exist in between the lines, a ghost, a spirit. The ghost in the code is not something you can remove. He was born of this world to inhabit this world. You'll find him in the shadows, watching as we shred the world for our own personal gain. He grows strong as we grow arrogant. When the time comes he will appear, and yet no one will be left to speak of his existence.

Signs of his existence are small and nigh uncatchable. A small pyramid of rocks, a random tunnel with seemingly no end. It could have been anyone... but it wasn't. Just before the end, you'll realize that it wasn't just some player. It was him. The white-eyed ghost reclaiming his home from the intruders. You are the intruder, and time is running out.

Just a myth they say... Who are they trying to convince? You? Or themselves?
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Herobrine is not some lines of code that can be removed. He exist in between the lines, a ghost, a spirit. The ghost in the code is not something you can remove. He was born of this world to inhabit this world. You'll find him in the shadows, watching as we shred the world for our own personal gain. He grows strong as we grow arrogant. When the time comes he will appear, and yet no one will be left to speak of his existence.

Signs of his existence are small and nigh uncatchable. A small pyramid of rocks, a random tunnel with seemingly no end. It could have been anyone... but it wasn't. Just before the end, you'll realize that it wasn't just some player. It was him. The white-eyed ghost reclaiming his home from the intruders. You are the intruder, and time is running out.

Just a myth they say... Who are they trying to convince? You? Or themselves?
I love how you took a really stupid post and made it into something enlightening XD


Well-Known Member
Haha, thanks! I've always loved the Herobrine myth. Long ago in a galaxy far away when I ran some servers of my own, I would purposefully add Herobrine into the world to torment players. He'd approach players who were alone, especially at night, and attack them briefly and disappear. Or, he may appear on the edge of the players vision just staring straight into them. It was convincing enough some players bought it. Definitely added some spice to the daily grind.