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21Wub Unban Appeal #2


IGN: 21Wub
Date Of Ban: 12 Months Ago
Reason: Doxxing
Alts: Xecutioner01 (My friend's account)
Previous Appeal:https://forums.lokamc.com/threads/21wub-unban-appeal.8228/

Hello fellow loka players and admins, today I want to appeal my ban once again and apologize to the community. After I got banned, i found it unfair and ended up ban evading on my friend's account (Xecutioner01). It took admins several hours to find out and eventually ban my friend's account for both cheating and ban evading. He wasn't the only one getting banned because of me. Tomm99 also got temp banned for assisting ban evasion (he provided me gear when I was ban evading). After getting both my friends banned I really wanted to look back and see what I've been doing wrong. In my time of being banned from Loka, I never attempted to ban evade ever again and detached myself completely from the community, started playing other games etc. I first want to apologize to the person I doxxed (I still don't know who that is) for having done such thing over a block game, and secondly I want to apologize to the people i cheated at cove against in my time of ban evading. I dropped the ganking stuff to random people as it was no use for me so there is no doubt that what I did actually impacted other players. Lastly, I want to apologize to the loka admins for wasting their time through dodging screenshare and asking about my ban in their dms. I am appealing my ban because I genuinely feel reformed and am asking for a 2nd chance.

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Active Member
He is not reformed at all and
He has been hacking on servers other than Loka, causing problems for various players.