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21Wub Unban Appeal

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IGN: 21Wub
Reason Of Ban: Doxxing
Alts: Xecutioner01

I got banned in 06/11/23 for doxxing, to this very day I still don't know who I doxxed and I thought it wasn't fair for me to get banned for that. Thats why i asked my friend (xecutioner01) to play on his account. Ever since I got my friend's account banned for my own sake I haven't tried to alt ever again. During my time of ban evading on my friend's account, I cheated against other players thinking that I shouldnt've been banned. Since I got banned I isolated myself from loka community and really thought of what I've done and who I affected. I've been playing loka since 24th of august 2022 and I miss playing loka with my friends. Also the account called easymc.io isn't my alt I don't even know who owns it and why it is in my possible alts. I want a second chance if its possible.

Thank you for reading my appeal and have a nice one - 21Wub


Active Member
You need more time considering you are doxxing and trying to escape the ban by creating an alt account, so -1


New Member
+1 he been nothing but friendly, nice, kind, helpful and very cool on loka and outside of loka and he improved a lot as a person.
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