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444rock unban appeal

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New Member
I was banned 10 months ago, the reason being because 1 year prior to this 10 month I was an associate in a Dox Tage, I have since been unblack listed form the Tier list and all servers which include vanilla plus, donut, east.us, and plenty more, I understand what I did was wrong but I have been banned for this particular offense for over 22 months across everything 10 of them being off Loka, I don't participate in such activities anymore and have made peace with the person who reported me. I understand my faults during the whole situation and my faults in my previous forum posts, I know what I did was wrong and if any proof is needed that I've been unbanned from all cpvp servers (the comm I was banned in) I will gladly provide it. I just wish to be unbanned on Loka and be able to have fun again with new town mates. I'm sorry for my actions and regret everything I've done that lead up to this.

Extra reasons I believe should be considered when decided- I have been banned for a total of 22months across everything 10 of them being on Loka, I have not threatened or done anything to people who play Loka, and everything that happened was in a different community and I've been mostly forgiven in that community the post of the Tage has also been taken down for a while now and I don't hang out or participate in those types of activities anymore. I'm sorry for my actions and hope you all can forgive me.
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