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Suggestion 5 Attacks


Well-Known Member

As a proud member of equinox, having only 3 chances to lose a day isn't nearly enough. It allows my alliance to even believe we may have a chance of winning this month due to the lack of fights. I think it's cruel to make half the conquest players on the server think they have the hope of winning, when we clearly do not.

Bringing back 5 fights will remedy this issue. By losing 5 fights a day, instead of 3, my alliance will surely dissolve, and I
can go back to losing duels and getting ganked in PG.

(seriously though bring back 5, 3 makes reins OP)


Well-Known Member
Terrible reasons that are irrelevant and avoiding the fact we simply failed and weren't good enough.

1. More attacks is more fighting which is more activity and fun.

2. When you take a neutral it takes an attack and in alliance this is complete garbage because they'll want land in most if not all the towns, therefore taking days just to do some neutrals and no actual fights.

3. If you attack and someone calls reins, you lose that reins, and then you win your other attack it just balances out the strength so you're really only gaining like 10 strength a day assuming you use all 3 attacks that day and actually win. Which makes this incredibly hard to comeback in strength.

4. What these people said.
https://lokamc.com/forums/index.php?threads/bring-back-5-attacks.4583/ <-- Sadly no plans to implement.