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8glory unban appeal

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Active Member
I'm posting this for 8Glory

Hi Fellow Loka players and Admins. I was banned for hacking. Even though there was no concrete evidence in my ban. Bat3415 ScreenShared Me on 2/15/23 He asked me to Download Echo Scan which is essentially a program that looks for hacks or suspicious files on your pc. There was none that was suspicious even for a ban. A little back story: I started using sodium for better performance during Conquests and Zyre The Isle Of Murder because optifine wasn’t doing it for me. The Only thing that was “sus” was Meteor client files that were deleted 2/10/23 3:37am. He also stated that they had anticheat logs of me reaching and pot macroing. Let me say that the mouse currently I have doesn't have any software and the auto clicker that IS on my PC isn't that type of auto clicker you think it's made for 1.8 pvp and farming. Bat3415 asked me to do a cps test, nothing sus. Then he proceeded to ask me to search for files such as r2z1s0w5, w1oatunr no results. Now back to the recycle Bat3415 stated the following listen man between the recycle bin clearing and sus files that are missing from your computer that I had you search for I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt but there's too much there Let me say this: If I were “cheating” I would have deleted every trace of hacks. He basically saying that I deleted the “hacks” in my recycle bin but I didn't. He said that during the ScreenShare. Now if you look at the times when i got ScreenShared the times doesn’t even match up so there's no possible way i deleted Meteor client during or before the ScreenShare. In Fact the days that Meteor Client was deleted 2-3 days before i got ScreenShared. So that's out of the window. Now onto the sodium. He stated in the Echo scan it stated that and you're on "regular sodium" but echo is detecting that your mods are edited. Now I don't know about you. I didn't know it was possible to hide hacks/disguise it into sodium like that. Now onto the logs He stated that I set off reach and set off our cps detection. Now Other than those two that's the only “evidence” they have against me and i believe that's a false ban because there's not enough “evidence” to ban me so fellow lokan players help me play my favorite server and understand where i'm coming from. An Admins I evaded let me explain, I only “ban evaded” so i can /register for a forums account but it didn't work. And also I said Looking For town as a joke. (Yes I knew that's a stupid thing to do but i needed to post this forum )


Active Member
you were on an alt literally like an hour ago
/find spam_clicker (might not be right name)
even if its a joke why would you do it in the first place thats just stupid


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Staff member
It’s worth noting out of the gate that clearing your recycle bin after being frozen is failing a screenshare anywhere. Full stop. I can’t know exactly what it was you used because you’ve already violated the integrity of the screenshare by clearing your recycle bin, you could’ve been running an injected client, self destructed, and deleted it immediately after being frozen.

Now, I did not say that the meteor files in your recycle bin were “sus” I was specifically referring to two .bat files with randomized names that were suspicious, and I had you search for their names, and they were not on your computer. This combined with your cleared recycle bin led me to the conclusion you were using some sort of injected client and deleted the source files.


Shown here is some of what was flagged on your scan. “In instance” meaning it has been used since the last time you launched your game. You can see that the two files I had you search for that were missing were .bat files executed since the last time you started your game, and, presumably, because they’re missing, deleted and cleared from your recycle bin. The “generic mod edit” is a flag which informs me that the two mods you have running, have had changes made to them, likely by those two batch files, and you can see that was also in instance.

While “generic mod edit” is possible to be a false flag, the batch files run in instance and recycle bin modifications, along with auto clickers flagged, cannot be.

Onto your cps, we know what your click speed was on Loka when you were tripping our anticheat, and I know what your click speed was on the cps test. I don’t have to be a magician to put the two together and see that you were using an auto clicker. Add to that the fact that Razer Synapse showed up as a macro software on your echo scan(You claimed you don’t have a Razer mouse but you don’t have to have a Razer mouse to use their software for a macro.) Also worth noting, you had several other auto clickers detected running out of instance, for an autoclicker, running in or out of instance does not matter, as you could have just launched it before starting mc or just constantly have it running in the background.

There is no excuse for ban evading(attempted twice, successful once,) you may have messaged an elder to have them set up a forums account for you. Anyone on the Loka discord would have been able to inform you of this. Don’t try to justify it after the fact.

The ban will remain in place, I’d advise waiting a while before you appeal again.
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