9. Don't Bully Other Players
9.1. Don't repeatedly kill the same person.
9.2. Don't camp in a town or around docks.
9.3 Don't steal from players at spawn.
Can we have a more defined definition of these rules? In particular, the first two rules. Does camping a town or the docks involve actually killing people or is just the threat you pose by positioning yourself there enough to break the rule? Are the Nether and the End included in this rule? How many times can you kill someone before it is considered bullying? What if they instigate the fight?
I know some of this has been answered in chat before but I'd like a solid reference for the future.
9.1. Don't repeatedly kill the same person.
9.2. Don't camp in a town or around docks.
9.3 Don't steal from players at spawn.
Can we have a more defined definition of these rules? In particular, the first two rules. Does camping a town or the docks involve actually killing people or is just the threat you pose by positioning yourself there enough to break the rule? Are the Nether and the End included in this rule? How many times can you kill someone before it is considered bullying? What if they instigate the fight?
I know some of this has been answered in chat before but I'd like a solid reference for the future.