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Welcome to Chapter 2 in the ...with LASERS! series.
I know it's not traditional roleplay, but I just want to make a cool Loka story!
Please comment below what you think!
I will also be calling Mr_Void99 Void as a nickname in these stories.
And SCP_019 will be SCP
and Jammin_Mas will be called Jammin... you get the idea
@Mr_Void99 joined the game... I know it's not traditional roleplay, but I just want to make a cool Loka story!
Please comment below what you think!
I will also be calling Mr_Void99 Void as a nickname in these stories.
And SCP_019 will be SCP
and Jammin_Mas will be called Jammin... you get the idea

Void appeared on a cobblestone platform in a magnificent chamber somewhere in a cold damp castle. The chamber smelled of fresh-earth and rotting-wood. Void turned opened his inventory to take stock with what he had. He counted 16 wood logs, an iron sword and pick, and 32 cooked chicken. How they got there Void had no clue. Void stepped off the platform and looked around.
There was only one exit... a long dark hallway that smelled of still water. Void slowly crept towards the hallway. He yelled down into it, HELLO? It echoed... HELLO? Hello? Hello? hello?...
Void cautiously made his way into the hallway... going deeper and deeper into it...
After 3 or so minutes of walking through the inky darkness, Void saw a light at the end of the tunnel.
The still water smell got stronger with every step. Void finally exited the tunnel only to find a gigantic pool of water! With a stone brick line extending to the other end of the wall, where he could see another tunnel.
The hair on Voids neck stood up as he turned around to see... inky blackness down the tunnel he came from... except... there was a light... and Void could make out a person holding a shimmering diamond sword...
Void ran across the small stone brick line, lasers fired at him, but none hit. He ran like his life depended on it... which it did!. Void made it to the other tunnel and used his pick to break away the stone brick line the last 7 blocks. He smiled as he faced his chaser who was currently halfway over the stone brick line...but the lasers weren't firing at him!
Void could see him more clearly now... he had a deformed pig face... and a full diamond armor set. The diamond armor was glowing too...
Void's chaser stopped at the gap between him and Void. Void asked the person Who are you? The person said in a deep voice that sounded like nails on a chalkboard I am @Jammin_Mas! Your Worst Nightmare!!! He reached behind his back and pulled out... a... green orb? Too late, Void realized what it was...
Jammin threw the orb so it hit Void square in the chest... and Jammin disappeared with silver ribbons swirling around him and appeared not even a second later... In...Voids...Face!
Void tried to run but the heartless Jammin knocked him unconscious with the flat of his blade.
Void woke up in a dark cell... he almost threw up from the smell.
A voice whispered... Hello? who are you? Void crawled to the bars and whispered to the cell next to him
My Name is Mr_Void99, do you know how to get out of here? A voice answered My name is @SCP_019 and no I don't know how to get out... that demon @Jammin_Mas locked me in here. Every day he takes someone from their cell and beheads them, I think I'm next.
@Mr_Void99 opened his inventory and wasn't very surprised to see that it was empty. SCP said Give me a minute, maybe I can come up with a plan.
20 minutes passed before they both heard it.
SCP gasped He's coming! Get ready, I think I have a plan. Just grab him when he gets close to you.
Jammin rounded the corner and unlocked SCP's cell door. She walked slowly out of it. Jammin held his diamond sword to her back as he placed an anvil. SCP faked a cry Please Jammin_Mas, don't kill me and take my head.
He looked up slightly (probably to groan in annoyance) but when he looked up slightly it exposed his neck and that gave SCP an opening. She turned around, dodged the sword and karate chopped his neck.
Jammin doubled over in pain and dropped his sword. SCP picked it up and held it to Jammin's back. She kept the sword on him as she leaned over and pulled the key out of her cell door. She barked empty your inventory NOW! Jammin looked up at her; his face full of hate, but slowly he emptied his inventory.
SCP said to Void 1000 shards, a diamond sword and pick, full enchanted diamond armor, 2 enchanted bows, 3 stacks of arrows, and 6 ender pearls! She unlocked Voids cell and split everything with him except the pick and the armor, she kept those for herself.
Void armed himself with the bow "ranged weapons were his favorite" and put the sword in his left hand.
SCP poked Jammin with the pick and asked Where are we? Jammin chuckled... Were in the Ice Taiga in western Kalros, but unless you have supplies... your not going anywhere! SCP knocked Jammin unconscious with the flat side of the pick.
You read my mind said Void
SCP started running down the hallway... Cmon! Let's find a way out! Void ran after her; leaving Jammin unconscious on the floor
Jammin shook his head as he struggled to get up. A hand settled on his shoulder... Jammin gasped and got to his feet. It was @Cryptite ! Jammin said They got away sir. Cryptite smiled... No problem... I know where they are... and I have sent someone from Hilo to meet them...
Thank you for reading this!!!!
Another one will be out tomorrow!
Here are all the people mentioned in this chapter!
Again please comment below what you thought!
!!!Thank You!!!
Jammin shook his head as he struggled to get up. A hand settled on his shoulder... Jammin gasped and got to his feet. It was @Cryptite ! Jammin said They got away sir. Cryptite smiled... No problem... I know where they are... and I have sent someone from Hilo to meet them...
Thank you for reading this!!!!
Another one will be out tomorrow!
Here are all the people mentioned in this chapter!

Again please comment below what you thought!
!!!Thank You!!!