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A Few Conquest Suggestions


Well-Known Member
So one thing I've noticed people talking about is a way to easily cheat the current conquest system. They do this by using new towns as temporary attack towns. They are used for various purposes, but they are all based around finding ways around honest conquest.

To prevent people using this to cheat the system I have two suggestions that seem pretty fair and help encourage only real towns to take part in conquest. The idea is to make people really invest in their town before they can actually take part in conquest. This way temp towns and town switching for battle happens less often or not at all.

The first suggestion is to have only towns that are a week old be able to compete in conquest. I know the original reaction to this is "now new players will quit because they can't pvp right away!" And my response is no, they just can't start a new town and pvp right away. If they want to pvp they can join a town that is established and ready for pvp. Also, think about the vast majority of people starting towns. Is their main goal pvp? Almost never.

My second suggestion is that players who join a town must wait a week before being able to use the beacon to get to battle or activate inhibitors. And before you mention it, yes I know this directly conflicts with my above statement which is why I wouldn't want to see this implemented unless I only applies after you've joined your fist town. And what I mean by that is, new players, once they join a town, may pvp right away. If that player then leaves said town, and tries to join a new one, they can't take part in conquest battles for a week.

So what do y'all think? Are these fair ideas?


Well-Known Member
Idea! Maybe new towns have to be a curtain level to conquest? I'd think around level 8 this would give the town time to gather materials and build up before they fight others. Reaching level 8 isn't hard but you would have to be committed enough to the town before conquest. So people who think they could just make a town and conquest have to think twice!


Staff member
Our solution isn't to block people from doing Conquest, but rather to soften the rating change by making it so that lower-level towns doing attacks (be it winning or losing) overall impact the rating less. So they can fight you but it may not hurt that much, even if they're very much lower-rated than you. The modifier would be a factor of town level as they are a pretty good indicator of "real town progress".


Old One
Staff member
Old One
These are good suggestions and ones we have discussed. The concern with them is it could impact the new user experience which we really don't want to do. If our solutions that do not impact new towns don't work then we may have to explore these other options.