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A new horizon of hope lays in wait for Computernites


New Member
My dear pink snouted friends:

Recently I became aware that Lucifer09 was planning to rebuild the, once glorious, city of Helrune. I was struck with an idea.

In order for Central to aquire more power and resources, it's people must split into groups, and adventure into other cities. As Napoleon once said: "Divide and Conquer"

I am not telling you to stop being friends or stop gathering together and partying ever now and then. But let's take a look at the other active towns. memrme, Fort ember, Pallet, Cathedral and even Northtown i see as the most powerful towns on the server, and the one thing they have in common is that they don't have a big active population of players. This leaves time and terrain for resource gathering. How you handle your own time is your business, but face it, when was the last time you went strip mining for some good old diamonds?

An enderman on top of the Central flag. A clear indicator that it is the right time of setting up shop somewhere else.
Added by Andrekeroxd
You have become great friends and shared amusing times and dire moments, but here i make my second point. The dire moments. Take Head of Defense Artagan. Whenever he is building or living in Cathedral, he rarely suffers a raid from someone else on the server. Yet when he is at Central, he is in danger of being attacked/robbed/caked all the time.
I think that if you guys split into smaller groups, some people wouldn't know whom to attack, and in the strange case they did, some of the other computernites will be able to back them up because maybe they already aqcuired better gear.

Don't understand this as a 100% quitting of Central, more like a little vacation time. You will come back together but this will make you stronger as individuals and computernites.

Take a look at the screenshot i took. It is in no way a "sign from notch" to leave Central, but it describes my feelings exactly. The sun, over the mountain is just rising. The enderman is known for it's mobility and is on top of the Central flag. If there ever was a thing like an omen, this is IT.

When you do heed my advice, I will be ready to help you, as i'm sure most players and admins will. In my opinion, the groups should be divided in the following way:

Luci, Comp, Cap and Rbr could go in one group (maybe rebuild helrune if you want to)

Art could go to Cathedral or Hyoken

Game could go to Hyoken (i'm pretty sure Mag would be glad to take you in, but ask him anyway)


Active Member
I don't believe up and abandoning our town is at all a good idea...

Nor do I believe dividing into one large group of people building a town up from the ashes, and another group up and joining one of Mag's towns will leave our enemies at all confused about who to attack...

Also, I'm pretty sure you're trolling.


New Member
Nah, i'm not trolling, the fact that I wrote so dramatically was because the letter was originally posted at the wiki, and i felt to lazy to adapt it to the forums.

Anyway it's just my point of view, and i think that it would help you, i already said that it's not a permanet separation, but i think this attitude would go more naturally with the flow of the server and therefore, help you guys to became stronger and hopefully not being attacked and harrassed all the time.


andrekeroxd said:
"Divide and Conquer"

I'm not objecting to this decision of yours, but that's not what divide and conquer means :p
It means to divide the enemy and then own them to pieces =]
And by divide I don't mean physically, but kinda mentally/politically.


Well-Known Member
i couldnt agree more here, i dont think central city is really going anywhere. It might get better now that big has gone, but why not take a breath of fresh air anyway and move elsewhere? I often consider it myself at cathedral. Stay as an alliance/mates, w/e, but just try somewhere else.

Nice screenshot by the way :)



New Member
thelineguy said:
andrekeroxd said:
"Divide and Conquer"

I'm not objecting to this decision of yours, but that's not what divide and conquer means :p
It means to divide the enemy and then own them to pieces =]
And by divide I don't mean physically, but kinda mentally/politically.

Haha, you are absolutely right. Kids, this is what happens when you skip history class!


Active Member
Er, I think the actual meaning of "Divide and conquer" is what is basically being suggested here; that we dissapate into smaller, yet more vulnerable units.

Central City has a lot of work to be done on it still. No one living there in the future is by no means in the cards for us, although we have considered some of our members going out and establishing towns underneath Central in the past. However, this would be for purposes other than "Security" or even "Growth"; if anything, this action would leave us more vulnerable to attack.

While this suggestion has it's place, it is not appropriate coming from sources outside central. Andre, you would be the exception (since we think you're awesome) but please don't turn this conversation into something the public forum debates. The decision for this will be Comp's, and his alone.


Well-Known Member
thelineguy said:
andrekeroxd said:
"Divide and Conquer"

I'm not objecting to this decision of yours, but that's not what divide and conquer means :p
It means to divide the enemy and then own them to pieces =]
And by divide I don't mean physically, but kinda mentally/politically.
I'm pretty sure Caesar said it first anyway, as it played a big part in Roman tactics

Divi et Vici, n' all that shizzle.

Line is right on the whole meaning of it, Its divide your enemy into groups and pick the smaller groups off one by one.

Last note; Any of you guys that Art deems trustworthy are welcome in Cathedral for your short stay away from your town.


Active Member
Thank you for your generous hospitality, mop, but I don't think it will be necessary for us to partially migrate into Cathedral any time soon.


mopb3 said:
thelineguy said:
andrekeroxd said:
"Divide and Conquer"

I'm not objecting to this decision of yours, but that's not what divide and conquer means :p
It means to divide the enemy and then own them to pieces =]
And by divide I don't mean physically, but kinda mentally/politically.
I'm pretty sure Caesar said it first anyway, as it played a big part in Roman tactics

Divi et Vici, n' all that shizzle.

Line is right on the whole meaning of it, Its divide your enemy into groups and pick the smaller groups off one by one.

Last note; Any of you guys that Art deems trustworthy are welcome in Cathedral for your short stay away from your town.

Oh and just btw (again) Caesar said Vene Vidi Vici, which means 'I came, I saw, I conquered'
And I'm sure it was a ruler of Macedon who said that, not sure which


Well, Central is sort of hitting a rough patch. I think the server needs less of Central City. Let's face it, it has caused quite a bit of trouble (not saying Pallet has either, but Pallet has endangered species living in it). For the good of the server, we need more towns, new buildings, more players, more thieves, etc. Helrune being fixed up is probably a good thing, I have a plan for Edgeville, probably even better to just demolish Helrune for its bricks and use them to build up other towns. Sometimes you just have to let things play out; this plan would help the server.



Well-Known Member
KenuDragonfire said:
Well, Central is sort of hitting a rough patch. I think the server needs less of Central City. Let's face it, it has caused quite a bit of trouble (not saying Pallet has either, but Pallet has endangered species living in it). For the good of the server, we need more towns, new buildings, more players, more thieves, etc. Helrune being fixed up is probably a good thing, I have a plan for Edgeville, probably even better to just demolish Helrune for its bricks and use them to build up other towns. Sometimes you just have to let things play out; this plan would help the server.

Well, that's your opinion. Do not forget to listen to other's :D