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Bug A number of blocks don't seem to count towards town levels.


I've noticed that a number of blocks don't seem to convay any experience towards town masteries or function as viable blocks for roads.

For example, I have crafted 521,000 dried kelp blocks and about 17,000 observers but these haven't counted towards crafting or redstone masteries. I've also noticed that cooking kelp into dried kelp doesn't increase cooking.

For roads, dead coral blocks, tuff and basalt types don't seem to function as viable road blocks for the Improved Inferstructure perk and might not count towards excavation when mined.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
Yes, newer blocks have yet to be added to the system. This is partly due to it being a lower priority so it has been pushed behind other features. It is also due to us reworking/rebalancing the system, so we wanted to make both changes simultaneously to prevent level inflation. So it will all get added, just can't give a definitive timeline just yet.