The old man, still on the floor, exclaimed “Inconsiderate younglings. This is the fourth cake I’ve dropped this week due to your kind aimlessly walking!” Evil was startled, but quickly apologized for the mishap and helped the old man up. The whale offered to clean up the mess, but the old man didn't want to accept help from any whippersnapper.
The baker gestured to the whale to join him in sitting on the edge of the wall. He introduced himself as Skuhoo, and the young whale apologized once again for the accident. Evil was unsure what to say to the old man and after a few moments of silence asked “Where were you going, with the cake?"
Skuhoo smiled and said, “I was going to the cathedral.” Evil suggested for the pair to go there as he did not want to be a beached whale. The two hopped off the wall and headed to the cathedral, ignoring the dessert that was caked into the pavement. Upon arrival at the cathedral, the pair joined a group of Skuhoo’s students who had met at the entrance. In the center of the group, there was a board prepared, with maps of coral reefs. To the little whale, the maps seemed like strange lines, almost as if they were random scribbles. The students stuck labels to each one of the types of coral until Skuhoo was satisfied. Skuhoo gestures at the door and announced, “Good work younglings, you now know the types of coral. Sadly, there will be no cake after a day of hard work. I dropped the cake, again.” Suddenly, the students trickle out of the cathedral.
Evil scratches his head in confusion at the drawings. He turns towards Skuhoo and asked, “What are these lines on the board?” The whale pointed to each drawing. The old man explained that these were the coral reefs. Evil, inquisitive as always, asked what the coral reefs were, and Skuhoo chuckled in the young whale's innocence. Skuhoo explained that they were mythical ocean structures, located outside of Balak and Rivina.
"There's more, too", the old man stated. "When we discovered the islands, Balak and Rivina, we discovered these green, shelled creatures". Out of his pocket, Skuhoo pulled out a drawing of one of the turtles and showed it to the whale. Skuhoo asked Evil how he came to Loka. The young whale explained that he lost his memory when he was beached on the shores of Garama. He handed the drawing of the turtle to Evil, and chuckled, telling Evil that there may even be more of Evil's kind outside those waters. However, the old man explained that the seas were far too turbulent to go out searching. Evil looked disheartened but told Skuhoo that he would not let his dreams be crushed by the turbulent seas.