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Suggestion A way to remove gear from the economy


Active Member
Ever since end ganks have been removed there has been an abundant amount of gear shulkers etc to the point where they just aren’t as valued and worth anything as they were I am suggesting eco fix 🙏


Old One
Staff member
Old One
This is in many ways deliberate. We do not want large barriers to entry for our conquest system so making gear easy and fast to obtain prevents new players from having to grind for weeks/months in order to compete. Our long-term goal is to add more to the PvE side of Loka and focus the economy around that as we always want PvP gear to be relatively abundant.


Well-Known Member
Even considering this it was a real misconception that gear was every hard to obtain, the time when this "myth" existed would've simply been when few towns existed and Owners essentially gatekeeped valuables (xp bottles and diamonds) and then the majority of the playerbase (hundreds of players in each town) would be solely reliant on gear from those players.

We were always all rich and had an abundance of said gear it just wasn't readily available to every active player as it is now, with more towns, people actually grinding. It's a good improvement but simply a myth that it was ever hard to get! It's good how it is I agree strongly with what Mag said above


Well-Known Member
Even considering this it was a real misconception that gear was every hard to obtain, the time when this "myth" existed would've simply been when few towns existed and Owners essentially gatekeeped valuables (xp bottles and diamonds) and then the majority of the playerbase (hundreds of players in each town) would be solely reliant on gear from those players.

We were always all rich and had an abundance of said gear it just wasn't readily available to every active player as it is now, with more towns, people actually grinding. It's a good improvement but simply a myth that it was ever hard to get! It's good how it is I agree strongly with what Mag said above
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