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About the Archer tower outside battlezone


Well-Known Member
I know this is not something new, and i also know that building a tower outside the battlezone to shoot people in a conquest fight can be done by everyone. But with the recent updates in which bows also do 33% more damage, anyone outside the battle can kill someone with just 4hits if they are using harming arrows.

Considering all the damage that can be done with the bow now, and how close to the tgen sometimes this towers are built, people is really interfering in battles in which they shouldnt.

I propose something like the thing at the docks, in which someone that is outside the battlezone cant hit someone in, and viceversa. So anyone that wanna fight someone outside the battlezone needs to leave it, and someone that wanna fight someone inside the battlezone needs to get in. This way it would be more fair.

Btw, sorry for using so much the word "someone"


Well-Known Member
I agree fully Busco. The fact that people are able to help with the fight by shooting into a fight is incredibly unfair and is abusing the system from my perspective. It's abuse of the Conquest system and how reins should work. I'm glad you brought this up as I'm sure others wouldn't of.


Staff member
It should probably be noted that fully charged harming arrows don't do any additional damage to players in protection IV armor. The way tipped arrows deal damage is in two separate instances. First, the base arrow damage hits the player, then the tipped arrow effect. But because entities have a 0.5 second invulnerability period after getting hit where they're only vulnerable to damage instances greater than the damage that triggered it, harming arrows don't do any additional damage because nearly all of it's damage would be mitigated by the protection enchants on the armor, making it so that it wouldn't be able to get past the entity's invulnerability.

Do you have an example of a battle who's result you believe would be different if archers towers outside the battlezone weren't a possibility? Because from my experience being on these towers, you're more likely to hit an ally than an enemy.

EDIT: Here's a gif of an instant damage II arrow dealing only 1.5 hearts through protection IV armor (the same as regular arrows): https://gfycat.com/gifs/detail/LinedVagueLacewing
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Well-Known Member
The point is that it doesnt matter if u hit an ally or an enemy. You are hitting someone that is in a fight, in which outsiders shouldnt be able to interfere. But instead of that the people that is fighting is reciving damage from outsiders that shouldnt be fighting

I also know that maybe the admins are working on other stuffs and adding something like the thing at the docks, and make it work well can take some time. But maybe with just with a temp rule that says: "Its not allowed to atack someone that is in a battle zone from outside the limits"
Could be enough, since there are just 4-5 peeps that does this
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Well-Known Member
It's more a meme, not an effective strategy. That said, I still agree with Busco that outsiders shouldn't be able to interfere in fights. Tgens just need to be moved away from the edges of territories, would solve the problem.


New Member
I do see this as a problem as even if they are helping or hindering their allys in a fight, they are still changeing the outcome of the battle even if it is by a few kill's/deaths. With the new 33% added to arrows and potions i think that it would of made harming II arrows pretty deadly as I think that the no extra damage from harming II arrows was a glitch or bug when they where first implemented, since then (i think the update 1.12) was made they are extremally effective with even just bow spamming. I made this short video showing the effect harming II arrows can have on a person wearing protection IV (this is in single played so this could be different on the server or it could just do even more damage due to the 33% damage buff)


Staff member
Your video demonstrates the mechanic I described. When bow spamming, the tipped arrow's instant damage is greater than the regular bow damage, which allows the instant damage to hurt the player through their invulnerability. Bow spamming isn't relevant to this discussion though, as players outside battlezones have to shoot considerable distances to hit enemies.

So far the only "archer tower kill" that's happened was when a player attempted to pearl up to us and died to our swords. I feel its effectiveness is hugely overstated.
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Well-Known Member
I actually agree with Sku on this one: the effectiveness of Archer towers are very limited. Besides, it's very high risk for limited reward; sure, people in an archer tower may have increased presence in whatever then fight is going on, but because they're *outside the battlezone* they don't have access to things like keep items on death. Because of that, I feel they're decently fair. Sure, you might get hit once or twice while fighting a tgen, but kill a person in that archer tower and you get ALL of their gear.


Well-Known Member
Personally my issue isn't really about the archer tower at all. It's more about the fact that people can have an effect on an battle at all without the town itself calling reins.

The reason I see this as such an issue is because I see it as abuse of a glitch. You're not allowed to enter battle fields as random outside players. This function is there to stop random players having effects on the battle itself. In my eyes standing at the border and shooting in is just abusing the fact that it's possible. Regardless of if it's effective or not it's still something that looks like it shouldn't be allowed as way server mechanics would stop outsiders from entering.


Well-Known Member
the effectiveness of Archer towers are very limited
Thats basically because u miss ur shoots, but we all know that u can apply debuffs effects with arrows, u can defend lamps by punching people. Basically u are affecting the figth directly.

Sure, you might get hit once or twice while fighting a tgen, but kill a person in that archer tower and you get ALL of their gear.
When we go to a tgen fight, we go to a fight with keep inventory. So why should we worry about losing our stuffs just because there are enemies defending shooting arrows outside the battlezone. I know they are risking their stuffs, but we dont wanna do the same, thats why we go to a keep on death fight. And whats to point of calling reins if u can have your allies at 30 blocks from a fight shooting arrows and helping you.