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No Plans to Implement Add a PVP pack link


Well-Known Member
This is something I've been thinking about and I thought I'd throw it on here.
Many people (including me) use a PVP pack for Loka, this is for obvious reasons as it helps give quite a few advantages when playing. Like with the sound pack if you could run a command and it gave you a download for the sound pack and a new addition that could link to a good PVP pack, a download to one etc.
Throwing this in could just mean a PVP pack is more locally accessible if you want one made for you go find it online but the one we suggest here is pretty good to use. Finding a good PVP pack online isn't the easiest thing in the world and for a server about PVP it seems pretty mandatory


Staff member
What advantage does a pvp pack give? We've already disabled fire if you have fire resistance.


Well-Known Member
What advantage does a pvp pack give? We've already disabled fire if you have fire resistance.
That doesn’t always work, to be fair.

PvP packs typically are low-res to improve FPS. They may have lower shields, more visible bow charging, clearer water, shorter swords, more visible particles, etc.

While there are certainly uses for PvP packs, I think linking to one via Loka itself is just odd, unless an official (or popular unofficial, like Loka+) pack was created. Linking to a random, unrelated PvP pack when players can just as easily search one up seems out of place.