Sparky once said for me to go outside and make a nice painting because he was not agreeing to the fact that we should add magical fake drugs to Loka.
I say that adding a painting mechanic to Loka would be a great creative outlet for the infinitely bored players.
Make it so you can sell painting also
Also be able to hang them up and stuff.
Also add painting canvases and stands for it. With paint brushes those are cool too.
I'd assume they would take use of the map on item frame mechanic
Thank you for coming to my ted talk
I say that adding a painting mechanic to Loka would be a great creative outlet for the infinitely bored players.
Make it so you can sell painting also
Also be able to hang them up and stuff.
Also add painting canvases and stands for it. With paint brushes those are cool too.
I'd assume they would take use of the map on item frame mechanic
Thank you for coming to my ted talk