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No Plans to Implement add self roles that ping for fights in loka minecraft discord


Well-Known Member
hello lokamc. i have come to the loka mc forums to address yet another important issue. lokamc is my life. i inhale lokamc. i exhale lokamc. thus it is extremely frustrating when for example a REINS (reinforcements pvp conquest battle) happens without me being online (i am online 23 hours a day on lokamc however sometimes i do indeed miss these REINS (reinforcements pvp conquest battles) and i think it would be very cool if there was a channel that maybe announced when somebody placed on somebody else and an optable role that pings. maybe roles could vary from only pinging if that players alliance is involved to a reins role that pings when somebody has called reins to a role that pings for all fights ever on the lokamc. i think this is harmless and though i dont know i assume it wouldnt be too hard to set up and would be quite the quality of life addition to the already amazing lokamc discord. with these roles in place, i can finally be aware of all lokamc pvp battles and thus not miss any, stabilizing my blood pressure and ensuring a long healthy life of lokamc gameplay.

TLDR: add optable roles that one can opt in to that ping for specific types of fights (a role that gets pinged for all a role that gets pinged for reins etc)


Active Member
+1 Yes I am fat and want to get on for reins without having to play all day to see if one happens


Well-Known Member
responses to this only discussed the fishing tournament and planned events in general. reins are not really planned events, and i dont see why they would rather word of mouth be the main way people would learn of a reins fight. a way to opt in to be pinged for when reins is called is just quality of life, and i dont see why we need to make up some artificial reason that disguises itself as actually being helpful when all it does is needlessly stop a helpful feature from being implemented


Well-Known Member
reins have already been bastardized enough from what used to be strategic calls to the eldritchbot kd and foes slain statfarms they are now, why make it worse by making every reins a capital bountiful
the reason reins is used to create fights purely for fun and to just farm kills is because regular conquest isnt as fun since a majority of the playerbase is in one alliance (or allied to one alliance) which means 0 conquest competition and since this month is basically already over on all fronts people will continue to use reins for fun since there is nothing to do. i dont really have a position on the problem of reins being used like this but i dont see how this makes it worse, this is just for all reins in general and is just quality of life. again we are acting like just not adding this would fix or make the problem better when it wouldnt, but it doesnt necessarily make it worse. its just a quality of life and the way it effects current problems does not matter because its not the cause of said problems to begin with

edit: to elaborate more im basically saying there is no point to deny the addition of this quality of life feature because of this problem but then not implement a solution to fix said problem to justify your denial of this quality of life addition. even if reins was somehow returned back to its "former glory" i would still support this feature and its addition
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Active Member
please give me a reason that isn't "i don't want to play loka besides reins" or "I don't want to hop on loka to know when there's reins I want to be pinged so I can log on for reins then instantly log off when the reins fight is over"


Well-Known Member
please give me a reason that isn't "i don't want to play loka besides reins" or "I don't want to hop on loka to know when there's reins I want to be pinged so I can log on for reins then instantly log off when the reins fight is over"
This is a no from me. Reins should be a strategic option where you can try to gain a leg up on your competition. When a whole role gets pinged so that anyone who is hungry to left click gets online then reins will become even more obsolete.

i dont think its good that you attack a quality of life addition instead of trying to draft up solutions for the current problems. i think its dumb if this is never added and then we take that as a problem solved when all you did was deny a quality of life feature and not really make the problem any better. i do not think we should frame it so that by shooting this down we will have done anything about the problem, because we really wouldnt have. if you think this shouldnt be added because "this will make reins more obsolete" or "reins is now for kd farms" or "people will only log on to pvp" then maybe you should tackle the main roots of these problems instead. why is reins obsolete? why are they only used for kd farms? why do people only log on to pvp? etc. i get where you guys come from but i just dont understand how not adding this makes the situation any better.
hello lokamc. i have come to the loka mc forums to address yet another important issue. lokamc is my life. i inhale lokamc. i exhale lokamc. thus it is extremely frustrating when for example a REINS (reinforcements pvp conquest battle) happens without me being online (i am online 23 hours a day on lokamc however sometimes i do indeed miss these REINS (reinforcements pvp conquest battles) and i think it would be very cool if there was a channel that maybe announced when somebody placed on somebody else and an optable role that pings. maybe roles could vary from only pinging if that players alliance is involved to a reins role that pings when somebody has called reins to a role that pings for all fights ever on the lokamc. i think this is harmless and though i dont know i assume it wouldnt be too hard to set up and would be quite the quality of life addition to the already amazing lokamc discord. with these roles in place, i can finally be aware of all lokamc pvp battles and thus not miss any, stabilizing my blood pressure and ensuring a long healthy life of lokamc gameplay.

TLDR: add optable roles that one can opt in to that ping for specific types of fights (a role that gets pinged for all a role that gets pinged for reins etc)
if tfl was around for this rp would have won every month


Active Member
This is a no from me. Reins should be a strategic option where you can try to gain a leg up on your competition. When a whole role gets pinged so that anyone who is hungry to left click gets online then reins will become even more obsolete.

You're acting like if reins doesn't get called the opposing side doesn't ping their discord


Well-Known Member
This just makes the Discord more complicated, as each alliance will have to have a role, created & deleted as alliances are created or deleted.

Also this is a bad idea because why should players be told when fights are, it should be the towns/alliances responsibility to bring players in, not the servers. The Players should only be told if am Inhib has been placed in your territory, as is now.

If somebody wants you to be pinged for reins, or to join blue for example, they better tell you


Well-Known Member
It's not an attack, it's just them simply stating why it's a bad idea
there is no point arguing semantics when you know what i mean. the purpose of their post is to provide reasons why the idea shouldnt be implemented so its an "attack".