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Implement in Future Add Skills to Loka


Active Member

What are Skills?
Skills would be based off the main things you do in vanilla minecraft, mining, fishing etc

What are Levels?
You level is based off how much you do the skill, for example if you mine a lot or mining level would go up giving you rewards

What are rewards?
Rewards could be many thing like giving orbs or cash. However I would want it to increase your odds of getting good loot. For example mining would increase your chances of getting double drops on ores. While this may seem overpowered, I would suggest capping this at level 50 and only giving a small increase every level, like .5 for example. So for mining by the time you hit level 50 your double drop chance would be 25%. Similarly to town levels, as you go up the levels, they get progressively harder.

Why add this feature?
As you grind more it gets increasingly more boring, however adding skill XP would make grinding more fun and give rise to lesser known features of loka like fishing

Note: This is very similar to Hypixel Skyblock and very much so inspired by it
If you guys have any questions feel free to ask me


Old One
Staff member
Old One
This is a system we will be calling professions and the plan is for it to be much more complex than you suggest. However, this is a long way from being implemented. We still need to catch up on adding other features first before we undertake a huge project like this.


Active Member
This is a system we will be calling professions and the plan is for it to be much more complex than you suggest. However, this is a long way from being implemented. We still need to catch up on adding other features first before we undertake a huge project like this.
WWWWWWWW I’m hyped asf for it