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No Plans to Implement Adding shulker shells as a drop to infested tiles


Well-Known Member
There are only two places on Loka where you can get shulker shells which are the two end cities. Since shulkers are so important to conquest/pvp I feel their should be multiple ways to obtain them so newer players have a chance to get them too.


Well-Known Member
yes but no, it would be nice to grind shulkers in the infested tiles but “muh economy” and that it might make infested tiles too op, but maybe as a super rare drop it would be nice.


Well-Known Member
Maybe if only the skeleton horse had a chance of dropping shulker shells + in red tag only. But I think it would still be too much


Well-Known Member
I think this would be more detrimental than helpful as there's already a ton of various different drops at infested tiles that you've got to collect and shulker shells while useful, wouldn't help.


Well-Known Member
Infested tiles I don't think are the fix to cruddy end which still can push out quite a bit of what should be an expensive item. You can buy a single shulker for 300~ :). Those should last a lonk time unlike pots.


Well-Known Member
Aren't shulkers already regeneing fast? It would also be absurd to have a special item that you can store 27 stacks of items in it that can only come from a creature like a slime. :D