(Maybe this should be a megathread for all suggestions of stats?)
Alrighty, since Crypt just has absolutely nothing at all (whatsoever) to work on in terms of furthering Loka's gameplay experience, I thought I would suggest some more statistics for various items. Anyone else who also has ideas can feel free to comment here. And with that... I give you...
Alright, so I'm going to start with some overarching suggestions that aren't specific stats, but they are things that I believe would make the tools a lot cooler. I understand that idea doesn't sound hard to implement, but making the GUI will be an absolute pain for most of these. (I tried to provide some possible suggestions). I also think that these options should only be given when you imbue an item, you shouldn't be able to edit the item after the "imbueing" (Ok, we need to decide on a word and spelling for this. imbuement? Imbuing?)
Specific Item Stats and Suggestions
Cheers, and feel free to reply with other suggestions
Alrighty, since Crypt just has absolutely nothing at all (whatsoever) to work on in terms of furthering Loka's gameplay experience, I thought I would suggest some more statistics for various items. Anyone else who also has ideas can feel free to comment here. And with that... I give you...
The Big Thread of Suggestions for Additional Statistics to be Tracked by the New Stat-Tracking Imbued Tools!
Alright, so I'm going to start with some overarching suggestions that aren't specific stats, but they are things that I believe would make the tools a lot cooler. I understand that idea doesn't sound hard to implement, but making the GUI will be an absolute pain for most of these. (I tried to provide some possible suggestions). I also think that these options should only be given when you imbue an item, you shouldn't be able to edit the item after the "imbueing" (Ok, we need to decide on a word and spelling for this. imbuement? Imbuing?)
- Ability to create our own colored/formatted names. When you imbue an item, you're prompted with a message that tells you to type your item name into chat and it also includes all of the color/formatting codes (e.g. &1). All the user has to do is type in their item name and they can put the codes wherever they want. (Ideally you get a confirmation message with a preview of what it looks like so you can see if you typed anything wrong).
- Choose which statistics are tracked. Maybe it prints a line for each statistic with a [Remove] button and it looks like this: "Player Kill Tracking --- Enabled --- [Remove]" That or a chest commands GUI where you can toggle each one on or off, then hit done. I guess this does also bring up the issue that the same tool could have different stats, so there would also probably need to be a way to store a "profile" for each tool imbued so you can have the next tool continue the legacy
- Imbue count. Counts how many times the tool stats have been "revived" by imbuing another charge into a new item.
Specific Item Stats and Suggestions
- Ok, To start, I don't think there should be a hit accuracy metric for the sword (or axe), but that is an opinion and would be fixed if we are given the ability to change what stats we want on what item.
- This is from Skuhoo: track the total damage the sword has done.
- Knockback kills, see how many times you hit someone else into a pit or lava (idk if lava is trackable, but idk)
- This one is kinda out there, but shouldn't be too hard to code: successful attack while gliding on the elytra. "Swoop Attacks"?
- Boss kills like the horseman and ender dragon.
- Beheadings (Although I think it would be cooler if you made this an axe thing)
- Hit accuracy makes more sense on a bow, but again, it's just imo.
- Again, total damage dealt.
- Longest shot. (I do think you might need some extra checks on this to discourage people trying fake this, like maybe it has to be an enemy during a tgen fight?)
- Times you've hit yourself (elytra boost count)
- Shots hit while gliding (Excluding self)
- Longest consecutive hit streak (again, probably need only enemies in tgen fights)
- Beheadings (I think it would be neat if axes were the things that beheaded, not just 10% chance)
- Shields bashed (again, probably only enemies in tgen fights)
- Total times logged (it's a pun , counts how many times you log out with it in your inventory maybe?)
- Axes also technically mine pumpkins the fastest of any tool, but it seems like a silly thing to keep track of.
- Red and brown mushroom blocks maybe?
- Most blocks mined in one sitting. The definition of this is kinda subjective, maybe it's blocks mined consecutively without opening an inventory, maybe it's some other metric like the counter ends when you haven't mined a block in the past 90 seconds, maybe it's most blocks mined in 24 hours.
- How are you dealing with silk touch? My assumption is that you ignore player placed blocks, which is fine.
- Glowstone. (you get more dust if you use fortune, which is why I feel like it is supposed to be a stat)
- I don't really know how you would this could be detected, but "water/lava blocks released" for each time you encounter one of those annoying pockets of liquid while mining.
- Path blocks "created" ("dug"? "entrenched"? "pathed"?)
- Grass, Mycelium and Podzol (technically red sand too, but the grass variants are more unique and deserving of their own statistics)
- Blocks dug in a single sitting. Similar to the thing I suggested for the pickaxe.
- So Magpie was talking about how you should give the hoe a special function so that way people feel that it may be useful enough to warrant statistics. I wholeheartedly agree, and so with that said the rest of my suggestions will be possible features for the hoe along with statistics that could be tracked with them. As to these features being possibly OP, maybe they could only be achieved by custom enchantments via the Arcanum (or something else, the different tiers of hoe have different abilities).
- Make all hoes unbreakable. This would be a weird and kinda controversial change, and the reason I suggest it is because it seems ridiculous to spend a dollar (or more possibly) on something with so little utility but still breaks in 3-5 weeks if it is not maintained with diamonds/ancient-ingots. If you give hoes enough utility this becomes less necessary though.
- AoE. Maybe it tills soil and can harvest crops in a 3by3 area. This is a small change but adds enough convenience that I think it adds measurable value to a hoe.
- Seeing as the hoe in minecraft also looks like a scythe, maybe there could be a harvesting bonus. Melons drop closer to 9, and crops like beets, potatoes and carrots act similar to when you mine them with a tool for fortune 3. Wheat bonus would be a little weirder, but it's not like there's a good reason wheat only drops one stalk in vanilla, that's not how it works irl. Even if you guaranteed two stalks every time you broke it even without a hoe, I would still argue potatoes are a better food source and carrots have more utility. Beets are crap all around, and I don't really know if this should apply to coco beans (maybe shears?). I feel like this would make statistics of specific crops harvested more meaningful.
- As another harvesting bonus, maybe using a hoe on crops grown by players could give increased farming xp? It's definitely more difficult to have a big field in your town and harvest it by hand (or by hoe) than it is to go out into ascalon wheat fields with a water bucket. Farms are also cool to look at in towns, so you could even add another criteria of skylight access to prevent abuse and encourage aesthetics. (Maybe some sort of "open air organic crops harvested" stat)
- Sheeps sheared.
- Vines collected.
- Coco beans (?).
- Shears have a similar issue along with hoes regarding how much utility they have, so I think adding lots of similar bonuses to them (again, maybe via Arcanum enchantments) would be really cool. So, suggestions below will be similar to the hoe, they are suggestions of adding utility that makes them more valuable and gives opportunities for more interesting statistics.
- Unbreakable again, and in the case of shears this is far more necessary because of their lower durability. I think this is probably the most important feature you could add to make shears a tool that is worth spending a charge on.
- AoE again. Seeing as shears collect leaves rather than drop saplings, I don't think this eclipses the leaf cutter in any way. Up to you how large, but I think this would be especially cool once we get into harvesting other ground foliage...
- Harvesting bonus when collecting naturally generated foliage like flowers, ferns, cactus, reeds, mushrooms, dead bushes, tall grass, and chorus fruit. Using shears is a more "delicate" way of collecting things so it makes sense to give some more items. I also like the idea of shears giving you more mushrooms from both small mushrooms and large mushroom blocks. This opens up a huge world of stats and gives a huge boost to shear's utility.
- Longest fishing session (again, definition is subjective but I think it would be funny to see how much time Hex takes out of his day to fish).
- Enchanted books caught, maybe even keep track of frost walker and mending books.
- I also like the idea of "total [Insert-Tier-Here] fish caught"
Cheers, and feel free to reply with other suggestions
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