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Suggestion Airships Rework


Well-Known Member
For capital policies, some of them seem memey compared to the industries, radars, and crop embargo policies. One of these is the Capital Airship policy. I think that capitals should have this enabled as default as it just takes up a seemingly useless spot in spawn since these haven't been used for a really long time. (Last I remember was 2017) Can we also talk about the fish policy


Well-Known Member
I brought this up in the LCR chat last term and think its a great idea. It's also such a prominent feature at spawn and seeing it have some sort of purpose again seems nice.


Active Member
The only reason it has not been implemented is it has not been picked yet. It is intended to allow you to travel between all your towns in the alliance.

We are also looking at the proposed suggestion as a possible option too.
do it now so i don’t have to walk to Vinovia :) thank you