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Akame/Atticane Unmute Appeal

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Active Member
To start off, I was perma muted for sending a fake dox in the public chat of Loka. (10/5/2024) At first, I wanted to get myself banned, so I saw this as a quick way to get myself banned. But as you know, Loka does not allow self-bans nor should they, I see now and understand their reasonings and I would like to apologize to the whole of the Lokan staff team for all of the chaos I've caused on that day, and that NOBODY should get themselves self-banned. As a player who has spent thousands of hours on Loka, I should've known better, not to mention I am a Slicer.

Apology to 7Deevil & Babysoy

When Deevil heard of what I was doing, he tried hard to convince me not too, same with Babysoy, I've caused them some trouble because of myself, which they did NOT deserve whatsoever. Both 7Deevil & Babysoy are probably the two people on Loka who helped me the most, and I cannot thank them enough for what they have done and to think I was selfish enough not to listen to them yet cause them trouble. I hope we'll be able to move on from this someday. Once again, sorry Deevil & Babysoy.

I would also like to add, the fake dox I sent was also staged by me and the person I supposedly doxed. Me and Guns are not on bad terms. (The ip is in the middle of a lake)


During the time I've been off of Loka, and just games in general, I've turned back to my usual non-toxic self, and is why I am currently writing this appeal, I've worked on myself enough to the point where I've got enough courage to come back with hopefully a fresh start. I will not let the things that easily angered me in the past anger me again. I hope all of the people that I've been toxic to have found it in their heart to forgive me, and I am deeply sorry for everything I've done in the past.

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New Member
I've known Akame for a long time, and he truly is a great friend.
I just don't see him "doxxing" anyone ever, he is a really nice person, and he has completely reformed himself.
In my opinion, he should be unmuted as the "dox" isn't anyone's actual place, he just needed to take time for himself to be a better human being.
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