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Alexgamer92 (dnalol) Appeal

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IGN: Alexgamer92
Date of Ban: July 10th, 2022
Date of Last Alt: CHIEFKEEF2024 (August __ 2023)
I couldn’t get the exact day as I am unable to use my pc atm
The ban for the account is Hacking, because I was frozen and “admitted to Hacking” to try and get away with the alt without resetting my ban timer.

Prior Punishments: 1 warn 1 temp-ban both around 18+ months ago
Prior Appeals: https://forums.lokamc.com/threads/dnalol-unban-appeal.7828/ (appeal that summarizes most of this)

TempBan Appeal (March 2022)

Hello, I’m just going to keep this appeal short and simple.

On my time on loka I have had the best experiences with the most fun and joyous with some individuals who I can consider close. The backstory of why I was banned is in my last appeal. (TLDR; I exploit abused July 2022 and alted.)

In my past appeal, I decided to lie deliberately to try and get unbanned which I take full account for and the things I did should not go unheard. Since the event I have taken extensive time away from minecraft and the community to better myself as a person. I want to apologize to everyone whom I have affected as a whole as looking back, I wasn’t such a great individual to be around.

Since then I believe I have matured and humbled myself and I think with the new year I hope I can be brought back into the community and unbanned with open arms.


Well-Known Member
+1 I have seen significant change in DNA as of recent, he is much older now, much mature and can honestly say that he is a changed man. Free him up.


+1 I was initially really harsh on him for good reason, but recently in interacting with him for other servers he has been kind, patient, and an honest member of the community. He has honestly changed my mind on him which is hard to do and for that I think he should be unbanned.



I've known dna since the summer that he was banned, even a little bit before then. In my opinion, he was a really nice person which I found through being in voice calls with him. I know that Loka was sick of DNA's antics even when he was banned, but we are all children who make mistakes on a Minecraft server. Spontaneous actions are common to occur when you deal with younger people. Dna acknowledges that he has committed wrong doing and it is true that he has grown older and mature, maybe he won't make the same mistakes as he did in his past. In conjunction with the duration of his ban, I think dna deserves a second chance as he knows what he did wrong and he will know better than to do them a second time.


Active Member
-1 im not trying to be rude towards you but with how many times you alted idk it just dont sit right with me.


Active Member
been friends wit him since we were both squeakers fr, he has grown from an immature kid to a pretty good guy, i havent seen him be toxic in a while. unban my son 💯 💯


Well-Known Member
4-5 months for a cheating offense ontop of several other offenses including various incidents of alting is far too short of a time to consider your unban, so many others make such a mistake once and sit out their bans for all sorts of lengths of time, yours is more than deserved and even trying to make the point that you "Admitted to cheating" in an attempt to conceal the alt in general is another act of bad faith, especially when you are known and have been found to be caught cheating various times in our community.

Nonetheless, it's a -1 from me based on time alone.


Well-Known Member
alted many times and cheated many times, you got some of ur friends banned and just cause you chose to alt and not to wait some months and appeal. -1 Best of lucks
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