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Suggestion Aligned Friendly Chat


Well-Known Member
Hiya :D
This is just a smaller suggestion, but is there anyway to make a chat channel in game for friendly towns? I personally like reminding everyone about the daily quests and ores in Aladra, but I feel bad when I can only get in touch with my alliance members in-game. Is there anyway to make it possible so I can get in touch with all of my friendly aligned towns in-game?
Im not sure how that'd work considering friendly alignment is one way. Town A can have Town B aligned as friendly, but Town B can have Town A aligned as neutral.

Also, imagine if Town A and Town B were mutually aligned friendly and Town C and Town A were mutually aligned friendly but only Town B had Town C aligned as friendly. If Town B said something in this new chat channel, would Town C see it? If not, it'd be terribly confusing if Town A members and Town B members were having a conversation. Town C would see Town A members talking to nobody.

The only way I could see it working is if mutually aligned friendly towns were automatically given a chat channel, but that seems like it could get way too confusing.
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Oh, my apologies. I thought, for your first example, that Town A and Town B were automatically aligned Friendly when one of them did so. I that it had to be a mutual thing. And as far as your second example, I didn't even think about that. Thank you for bringing up valid points to this Sku. :)