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Suggestion Alliance Perms (Tile Management)


Well-Known Member
I would love to be able to force towns in my alliance to drop tiles. I don't understand why I can restrict them but not force them to be dropped. I would also love to see a Balak place perm, Rivina place perm, and a Garama place perm (obviously different based off of where the alliance is).


Well-Known Member
I have mixed feelings about this, one, not many towns are gonna be in your alliance after being forced to drop 10 tiles. Two, it has no consequences.

I'd prefer if it had like a fee you pay the other town. Like if you want the town to drop one territory, they'll have to be given a payment of let's say 32 cores. It gets pricier the less territories they own. You can always request for them to drop the territories in dms or whatever, but to forcefully do it without them doing it should cost something.

Everything else I'm fine with, prevention won't really hurt.


Active Member
If a town owner in your alliance refuses to drop a territory because you demand it, then you could just kick them from your alliance. You’re already restricting them from taking territories, I don’t think you need the ability to force them to drop territories just because you want them to.


Well-Known Member
If a town owner in your alliance refuses to drop a territory because you demand it, then you could just kick them from your alliance. You’re already restricting them from taking territories, I don’t think you need the ability to force them to drop territories just because you want them to.
If you can control legitimately everything else I don't know why you shouldn't be able to control that.


Active Member
If you can control legitimately everything else I don't know why you shouldn't be able to control that.
Well, restricting place perms and releasing tiles are kinda different. Being the owner of an alliance doesn't necessarily make you the owner of towns that are in said alliance. That being said I don't think Alliance Owners should be able to release tiles that are claimed by other towns in their alliance. You could try negotiating with Town Owners within your alliance and if you can't come to an agreement, you can kick them from your alliance.

That's how I see it.


Well-Known Member
-1 this literally makes no sense towns are already restricted enough in alliances and adding this would not want to make anyone want to join any type of alliance on Loka L suggestion