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Implement in Future Allow placing shulkers/cobwebs/echests/obsidian on /c train


Well-Known Member
Why not? its supposed to be conquest, you're supposed to refill, be annoying with cobwebs, place echests, obby and crystals (I can see how you could probably dupe stuff if you're allowed to place ender chests so careful with that ) and stuff like that, I don't know but I just find refilling really fun, I wanna carry my humble 4 Green Boxes and practice refilling :D1663816820838.png
I think thepiggang is right, c train is not supposed to replace conquest. that's the reason why this isn't a thing.
"conquest training is not supposed to replace conquest" ofc its not, but are people really gonna miss actual fights, for territory, KD, kills on they lore, stats, territory strength, Balak tiles for practice? I really doubt it, c train is pretty much just like /pvp proving grounds, whats the purpose of having both of practically the same thing?
if anything, people might start going to zyre less, since its the most similar thing but without chance to lose items, though you also can't gain items, so really, theres no gain in staying in c train rather than going to the actual conquest
"conquest training is not supposed to replace conquest" ofc its not, but are people really gonna miss actual fights, for territory, KD, kills on they lore, stats, territory strength, Balak tiles for practice? I really doubt it, c train is pretty much just like /pvp proving grounds, whats the purpose of having both of practically the same thing?
if anything, people might start going to zyre less, since its the most similar thing but without chance to lose items, though you also can't gain items, so really, theres no gain in staying in c train rather than going to the actual conquest
what do you think the reason is, c train doesn't have the features you described? that's the question I asked myself.
doubt it happens but then at that point people will have fights in ctrain rather then actual conquest.
This is a pretty silly idea. Fighting in c train is to help others get better and has no reward in the game whatsoever. I seriously doubt that the second you can place and break blocks in c train all the alliances will just throw in the towel and forget about continent capital, policies, and bragging rights. C train will never be as fun as conquest is. C train will never have massive 70 v 70 fights.
This is a pretty silly idea. Fighting in c train is to help others get better and has no reward in the game whatsoever. I seriously doubt that the second you can place and break blocks in c train all the alliances will just throw in the towel and forget about continent capital, policies, and bragging rights. C train will never be as fun as conquest is. C train will never have massive 70 v 70 fights.
this, apart from the fact that c train is only available among alliance members so it can't even be used to replace a war at all
Is a fair suggestion. C train needs a fair bit of time and love put into it, there are a good number of limitations with the sysetm currently. At some point, we would like to do a large pass on the feature, it's just a lower priority currently.