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No Plans to Implement Allow shulkers in our Personal Vaults.


New Member
I think shulkers should be able to be placed in the personal vaults because if we have cash we want to put in our vaults because we don't trust our towns with it. It also allows more storage for our personal items. Having shulkers in personal vaults overall just means we can feel safe with our cash and just have space for our own stuff we don't want to be put at risk of a cashrun.


Staff member
Personal Vaults are not meant to replace having to store stuff in a town. They're largely meant for super-valuables like lores, rare items, and the kind of limited stuff that a new player would have - not so much as a personal bank for shards.

We're just not on board with increasing the storage potential of the PV by 2600%.


Well-Known Member
This is just my own personal honest opinion. But I'd also be in favor of reducing the storage amount of the PV to be equal to the Ender Chest.

Very unpopular opinion, but hey. If you're complaining. That means you're not in a safe town, and that's your fault.
I hope you desktop overheats and becomes a burning fireball like the human torch.