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Suggestion Allow Sub-Leaders in Alliances


Well-Known Member
So, some people from Arytis, Pax, and NerdNation were talking about our new alliance. We found the commands a bit annoying, as only the alliance leader could access some of the commands. It would be majorly helpful to allow every Town leader in the alliance (or just people that the alliance leader allows) to use commands that are currently limited to the alliance leader.


Staff member
Why? The alliance leader can set the vuln window, set dues, choose policies, rename the alliance, add/remove towns from the alliance, and of course, disband the alliance. None of the commands are used often and giving even a single other town in your alliance the ability to disband it seems like a bad idea. Also, have you considered the silliness of being able to set your own alliance dues?

If you need an alliance leader to do something then have them log on and do it. If they're not able to be online often then maybe get a different alliance leader. A suggestion like this seems like it would just create more problems than it would solve if implemented.


Well-Known Member
Why? The alliance leader can set the vuln window, set dues, choose policies, rename the alliance, add/remove towns from the alliance, and of course, disband the alliance. None of the commands are used often and giving even a single other town in your alliance the ability to disband it seems like a bad idea. Also, have you considered the silliness of being able to set your own alliance dues?

If you need an alliance leader to do something then have them log on and do it. If they're not able to be online often then maybe get a different alliance leader. A suggestion like this seems like it would just create more problems than it would solve if implemented.
Agreed. No point in a lousy alliance leader. Also /g a help if you don't know commands. There aren't many.


Well-Known Member
Why? The alliance leader can set the vuln window, set dues, choose policies, rename the alliance, add/remove towns from the alliance, and of course, disband the alliance. None of the commands are used often and giving even a single other town in your alliance the ability to disband it seems like a bad idea. Also, have you considered the silliness of being able to set your own alliance dues?

If you need an alliance leader to do something then have them log on and do it. If they're not able to be online often then maybe get a different alliance leader. A suggestion like this seems like it would just create more problems than it would solve if implemented.
Sure, but if the alliance leader goes offline for any reason, whether that's sickness, vacation, loads of work, boredom, etc, there's nothing anyone can do about it. I get what you mean about disbanding it, so what if the alliance leader had the ability to give certain /g a perms to other Town leaders? Rather than letting them have TOTAL control, just let them help out with policies, renaming, adding Towns, etc.

I can see the legitimacy in both sides of this - just an annoyance we found while making our new alliance. :D


Well-Known Member
If that person has irl problems, he can get on 30seconds and give the leadership to someone else.

Even if that person cant log on for 30secs, pretty sure cryptite will understand the situation and snap his fingers to change the leader