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Alt Town betraying.


New Member
Well, I have a question.

Lets say, My town member XxJayBeansxX lives in my town. He never steals or anything....
But on the same ip is playing White_Raptor.
Suddenly i see him at my place, and he is robbing me. So what..... He found me because his brother JayBeans was logged on and he just screenshoted the coordinates of my place.
As far as i can follow, this not town betrayal? Right?

Then if i am a member of a town with an alt, i am allowed to come in it and rob it, because it just happened? I wouldnt betray the town, the alt did all the stealing.


Active Member
Using an alt to gain access to a town is illegal, if that's what you're asking. Looks like the situation you're talking about needs to be looked into.


Staff member
Situations like these we usually handle on a per-situation basis. It's tough to make a hard and fast rule.

On the other hand, if you're worried he might steal your stuff, then why don't you hide and protect your things, bul? :)


Old One
Staff member
Old One
If the alt on the perms helped him gain entry in anyway, whether that be a building or past walls then that is betrayal. If he simply discovered coords as a result of the alt then I am not sure, our rules currently don't class that as betrayal i don't think but its one we may need to discuss.


New Member
If its just posting coords to others its okay, but when you join another town with an alt just to know where it is, that is my question. is that allowed.


Staff member
If its just posting coords to others its okay, but when you join another town with an alt just to know where it is, that is my question. is that allowed.

Considering you don't need to join a town with an alt to get coords because they could be gotten in a variety of ways, it's hard to catch otherwise.

I'd say hide your things :)


Well-Known Member
This is waaay too situational to deal with immediately as according to our current rules. We'll look into it.