Battle of Eternity
Loka…. It has taken my breath with its beauty. The battles are won the world is now one, but no song is sung for darkness still lingers in the shadows of its greatness; the corrupt coming the broken are breaking and the world will see the entire truth. The lore is rich and coming to surface for you have not seen the greater of evils, preksak is only but a pawn in this big game of risk that we have not yet won. You are just a puppet in the show you are not the main course for Cryptite has a fate much worse. He shall pay for what he has done… That’s right! Your god has done some wrong for he has started the war of eternity in which he will have never won. There is always a protagonist and antagonist in every story just don’t get them mixed up for all shall die if you don’t choose the right side so pick quick and choose well though you don’t know what the future holds for the side you must choose as already been chosen because I know the past, the present, and the future as well only the cards you play will tell, so pick from my deck; the cards of fate and you will know what is coming your way…
-The Author (Unknown Entity)
Loka…. It has taken my breath with its beauty. The battles are won the world is now one, but no song is sung for darkness still lingers in the shadows of its greatness; the corrupt coming the broken are breaking and the world will see the entire truth. The lore is rich and coming to surface for you have not seen the greater of evils, preksak is only but a pawn in this big game of risk that we have not yet won. You are just a puppet in the show you are not the main course for Cryptite has a fate much worse. He shall pay for what he has done… That’s right! Your god has done some wrong for he has started the war of eternity in which he will have never won. There is always a protagonist and antagonist in every story just don’t get them mixed up for all shall die if you don’t choose the right side so pick quick and choose well though you don’t know what the future holds for the side you must choose as already been chosen because I know the past, the present, and the future as well only the cards you play will tell, so pick from my deck; the cards of fate and you will know what is coming your way…
-The Author (Unknown Entity)
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