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Suggestion An end Npc


I reckon that an npc should be added to the end, and this could provide quests for end themed items. It could be located at docks of the end and some of the quests could be like "Kill 10 shulkers" and the prize could be like maybe some cores or some extra shulkers, and then rotate quests to make the end more of a popular location and more profitable, just a suggestion but I reckon more npcs which give in game rewards should be added.


Well-Known Member
add an end update actually, since imo, idk if this is backed up by data, but I feel like the end is way more transited and used than oceans, and the end is also as empty as the ocean imo


Well-Known Member
Partially waiting to see if Mojang is going to do an End Update like they did with oceans, nether, etc. If they do that would gives us a lot more to work with in the end. Other content updates be comin' tho
1.14 was released 4 years ago hi