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An Open Letter to Loka's Community


Well-Known Member
I apologize for the heavy nature of this post, but I feel it is necessary at this time. To you younger members of the community, please do not feel the need to read this. This post is for the more mature players and anyone struggling with something in real life.

About me


A lot of you have gotten to know me over the past month, but if you still have no clue who I am, I am an ex-raider, ex-admin, ex-librarian, ex-many-other-things who has recently returned after an absence of about two years.

What you probably don't know is that I left due to my struggles with depression after my life-long friend and fiance left me a month before our wedding. Before that I was dealing with some rather serious health issues which still occasionally plague me; I was taking care of my brother's children while he was unable to; I lost friends and family from ages 14 to 80 due to sickness, cancer, and drunk drivers; and much more.

Besides what I personally experienced, when I was 14 I created a large community on Runescape for where I got to know people who had their own problems. Some were in abusive relationships or marriages, some were suicidal, some were veterans with PTSD. One person I knew was living in Christchurch, NZ during the 2011 earthquake and we had to talk him through the disaster in order to keep him from throwing his life away by running outside to look for his family. I am now 23 and the knowledge of so much that is wrong in the world weighs very heavily on me.

I don't tell you all of this to ask for your pity or your sympathy. Perhaps I would have two years ago when everything around me was crumbling away, but now I have a very different message. No matter what you are going through, there is always, always someone in the same boat as you. If I happen to be in your boat and you want to talk about it then feel free to message me on Discord. Unless you're asking me to steal the Declaration of Independence I will never decline a conversation. Otherwise, the internet is your best resource. Whether it's talking to other server members, finding a forum or subreddit, or joining another community of sorts, you can find friends to help you through your problems.

To the community

The above experiences are not unique to me or a handful of people. I would dare to say that nearly everyone on this server is dealing with one or more significant problems. Thankfully, Minecraft is a very good game for relieving stress and escaping for a little while. Loka perhaps a little less due to the competitive nature of Conquest and the risk of being murdered, but regardless, the core of the game is still the same. You tame animals, build cities, and hang out with your friends.

What is not good about Loka is the chat that I have seen and heard about in the past couple weeks. There is a big difference between friends or Conquest rivals bantering and harassing someone in chat just to bother them. The latter is not acceptable. You do not know what the majority of players on Loka are going through. You do not know what impact your words will have on them. This sort of behavior is bullying and if done in real life would almost definitely result in criminal charges.

I implore all of you to think very carefully about what you say to people. If you cannot get along with someone then that's fine, it happens. Avoid interacting with them, don't talk about them, and in the worst cases use /ignore. If you've personally been rude to someone then apologize and try to move on. But in no circumstance should you ever use any of the text or voice chats to intentionally try to upset someone. If you are on the receiving end of bullying then please immediately report it to the admins and include screenshots if possible.

To the admins

We have a no tolerance policy for trolling, but I would also ask for there to be a clear no tolerance policy for bullying. In most cases it is left to the players to settle arguments among themselves. While this is the best solution in many cases (after all this is a PvP server so people tend to be upset when they get murdered), but in cases such as bullying I do not think it should be put in the player's hand. A swift ban or mute is the only appropriate response.

Again, I apologize for posting something like this in General, but I thank you if you've taken the time to read through this. This is a serious problem and I hope we can all do our part to stop it.


Staff member
The line between harmless "trash-talking" and bullying unfortunately isn't all that clear at times. If an outsider listened in on our Discord they'd think we were all a bunch of jerks but really we just like ragging on each other. It's important to make that distinction and is why I feel it's ultimately up to players to speak up if they're feeling bullied or harassed as staff aren't omniscient and often lack context.

Nobody should feel personally attacked on Loka. At the end of the day, we're all just playing Minecraft.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Land and I trash talk each other all the time and it's concerned a few people but I've always been quick to explain that we've been friends for years and everything is fine. If you're going to be banter each other like that then it's usually better done not in public chat where it might look bad to new players. Also, if you don't know someone well enough don't joke around like that. In that case, it's not a joke at all.


Active Member
Zor, I have so much more respect for you now.
Anyways, There's some bad stuff members on Loka have said so yeah.
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I agree with everything you have said Zor. I didn't really know you at all besides the fleeting messages you posted in the Lokan discord at times about trees and stuff, but seeing this, you certainly have earned my respect. I appreciate you for what you've done for others (based on what you said about your past), and want you to know that if there's anything you need, help, advice, ANYTHING, you can come to me. As for your plea to the admins, I totally agree with this. I even attempted to bring it up at certain points, but it was obviously during stressful/heated times and that's why it never came through. My feelings on everything that has really happened on Loka has faded, and I really don't care about what had been said at the time. All I can say is that I remember how it affected me and how serious it could have been if I wasn't so close to my town-mates and alliance-mates at the time, and that the trolling/bullying line definitely should be discussed and cleared. I can definitely guarantee that with a solid policy, with this server, a lot more of the community could be retained and would actually have tons of fun. I love Loka for what it gave me when I needed it most, and I left when I needed a break from the stress and how personal things got. We should definitely focus on the love and the good rather than the hate, and correct the hate.


Staff member
It's no surprise to most that I've not been around as much lately due to IRL stuff of my own that I've been going through. As a result, I think having been so distanced from the day-to-day operations of the server, a lot of these issues have been arising but haven't been properly tackled. It's clear to me that as admins, we could be doing a lot better with handling the community. I know some admins have been trying, and I give them credit. Sometimes, however, it needs to be tackled by the owners, and I think some of the recent instances are getting bad enough where this is the case.

I believe one of the hardest things to have on a server is a mixture of free speech without the inevitability of harassment and bullying that comes from a PvP server like what we have. That said, I am in full agreement with Zor here.

Bullying is something that has, for many, gone too far and not been stamped out when it should be. If you ever see it happening, please take screenshots, report it to admins, come to us straight on Discord if it's bad. /report is great for bugs, but it's not necessarily immediate and if things are getting out of hand, please raise the issue as best you can. Bullying is something that we can stop and it's evident that we've been doing a piss poor job of doing it lately. Loka's community, while recently dipped a bit, has been one of the things I've been most proud of lately. It's taken a long time to build the community into the generally positive shape it is now, but it hasn't always been that way (veterans can attest), and it can easily falter if left unchecked by people who can intervene.

Loka's been a home and an escape for many, and as I've recently come to understand, even a lifeline for a small few. No matter how much work I have or haven't done on Loka, knowing it's helped some people out of some extremely tough life issues is more than I could ever ask for as a server owner. On the other hand, knowing that it's also responsible for some of the hatred I've heard of or seen is, frankly, unacceptable.

We can do better, we will do better. Thank you, Zor, for bringing this up in a professional way and thanks to everyone who's keeping an eye out for this on the server.

Go Forth.


Well-Known Member
Trying to stop bullying can get you accused of being biased. Even if you try to not take any sides. Admins recive reports... that they recive. One side might be the victims, who respond aggresively.
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Staff member
Trying to stop bullying can get you accused of being biased. Even if you try to not take any sides. Admins recive reports... that they recive. One side might be the victims, who respond aggresively.

That's never a reason not to try.


Well-Known Member
Just thought I'd drop my opinion in here for the sake of expanding this forum. I personal feel as if the best way to moderate the communities behaviour/take on the rules is a mix between making sure the rules are easily understood by the player base and by letting the player deciding when it's harassment; and having the means to control the situation.
Obviously what I've just said only applies to certain situations/rules. However, I acknowledge that this idea/method can be considered to lack effect and could be seen as an easy way for certain players to work around the system regarding.


Well-Known Member
It is indeed the active members just as much as random players who come here exclusively to cause trouble. A few come to mind off the top of my head and there are some others I'd like to slap some sense into. Regardless, the past week has been much better I think.

Edit: I'm bad at spelling sometimes
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Well-Known Member
it's not bullying it's just acting childish and total disregard for the rules. There will always be players like this and it's as simple as that. So far in my experience with them they've just not been pleasant; not really any rules broken but I dislike the way some players have this general attitude towards the server players/rules.


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it's not bullying it's just acting childish and total disregard for the rules. There will always be players like this and it's as simple as that. So far in my experience with them they've just not been pleasant; not really any rules broken but I dislike the way some players have this general attitude towards the server players/rules.

These dock fights with eld and graxum have been happening quite frequently lately. It is not really "camping", they are just waiting for eld to show up and then when they show up they wait for them to fight (and most of the time call their allies). If you don't want to be involved don't come.


Well-Known Member
These dock fights with eld and graxum have been happening quite frequently lately. It is not really "camping", they are just waiting for eld to show up and then when they show up they wait for them to fight (and most of the time call their allies). If you don't want to be involved don't come.

From my understanding of the rules, waiting around at the dock with the intention of killing anyone is illegal. I'm not sure if action can be pursued or not until at least one players has been killed, but if docks are treated like a town then it certainly can be. It is not a matter of wanting to be involved or not, docks are extremely important to the server and new players and camping them for an hour or more like some players have a habit of doing is wrong.

it's not bullying it's just acting childish and total disregard for the rules. There will always be players like this and it's as simple as that. So far in my experience with them they've just not been pleasant; not really any rules broken but I dislike the way some players have this general attitude towards the server players/rules.

I am hoping that your statements are in regard to the two screenshots posted. Otherwise, bullying is a legitimate thing that happens on this server. Perhaps you've never seen it but I assure you, it's there.


Well-Known Member
These dock fights with eld and graxum have been happening quite frequently lately. It is not really "camping", they are just waiting for eld to show up and then when they show up they wait for them to fight (and most of the time call their allies). If you don't want to be involved don't come.

Rayward I find it hard to believe that they challenge Eldritch to an dock fight whilst nobody from that town is online and also would challenge them at Garama docks instead of Ascalon. I suppose I need to add this screenshot for some more information. https://gyazo.com/43246b282560f6c91888dc5cec11c459 -- This was directed towards a totally new player with no standing alignment.


Well-Known Member
From my understanding of the rules, waiting around at the dock with the intention of killing anyone is illegal. I'm not sure if action can be pursued or not until at least one players has been killed, but if docks are treated like a town then it certainly can be. It is not a matter of wanting to be involved or not, docks are extremely important to the server and new players and camping them for an hour or more like some players have a habit of doing is wrong.

I am hoping that your statements are in regard to the two screenshots posted. Otherwise, bullying is a legitimate thing that happens on this server. Perhaps you've never seen it but I assure you, it's there.

I probably should of pointed out how that message was directed towards Padfoot not the overall thread.