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Announcing My Loka Presidential Candidacy


Well-Known Member
Hello my fellow Lokans,

As many of you who have met me will know, I love this server. Like many of you in this community, I want Loka to achieve its maximum potential. I believe that this server has infinite potential, and Cryptite and the rest of the staff team have done a great job with the server's mass influx of new players. However, there are still enormous strides that need to happen to fix the problems that my fellow Lokans and I have encountered. I have spent the past several months conversing with fellow players, and I have seen the issues that plague this server. There seems to be a disconnect between staff and the community, and I want to be that communicative medium.

Though there are plenty of issues that need to be worked on right now, my biggest priorities are as followed in no order:
  • Conquest and Rivina Updates
  • PvP Objective Implementation
  • Town Development and Customization
  • Grinding fixes
  • Community involvement

Our community must rise above the divisions of Alliances. Lokans share hopes and goals, and values far more important than any disagreements. I know Loka wants reconciliation and unity. I know Loka wants to progress; we must seize this moment and deliver. I am announcing today my candidacy for the Presidency of LokaMC this year, 2021. I don't know if that is a real thing or it ever will be a real thing, to be completely honest. If it is not real, we will make it a reality as I believe the Loka community can. I take inspiration from Nelson Mandela; he once said, "It always seems impossible until it's done" and this is the mindset that I bring into this presidency.

Thank you, and God Bless Loka!


Well-Known Member
Jakeman. Love what you're doing. If you want to raid my town and use it as material to campaign go ahead, however I will need to be your vice president in order for this to happen. I'm waiting:
In all seriousness, you could run for LCR next term and I think you'd do a good job at it considering what you're looking to do as "Loka President" and how much it lines up with what us LCRs do.


Well-Known Member
Community Rep
Jakeman. Love what you're doing. If you want to raid my town and use it as material to campaign go ahead, however I will need to be your vice president in order for this to happen. I'm waiting:
View attachment 2499
In all seriousness, you could run for LCR next term and I think you'd do a good job at it considering what you're looking to do as "Loka President" and how much it lines up with what us LCRs do.
what is this foxybeargames