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Artagan applying for Sentry

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Active Member
Age: 16

Current rank: Slicer

Which rank you are applying for: Sentry

What you think is expected of this rank:

Being helpful, particularly toward new players. Moderating the chat. Helping admins keep the server safe from hackers, xrayers, et cetera. Holding yourself to a higher standard of behavior in general.

Why you think you should become this rank:

I really like the server. It's the only server I've ever actively played on. I have a genuine desire to do my part and help out as an admin. I've been on here for over a year, and in that time I've assisted in catching hackers and xrayers several times. I know the rules, and I know what makes things tick.

When you started playing on the server: April 2012

Time zone in relation to GMT: CST (-6:00)

How often do you play (hours a day/week): Not as much during the school year but currently I'm playing about 4+ hours a day.


I actually support Art being a Sentry...this may come back and bite me...but I think Art would make a good sentry and he has more then earned it. As long as he supports the server and continues to encourage people to stay on Loka. He knows the Lore and is an active player.

He may need to be caught up on how the rules apply to thieves and such but ya +1


Assuming the list of current admins is up to date, our Sentry situation is sort of unbalanced in terms of affinity for thievery. And really, sort of same thing that applied with Zor: what is the worst Art can do?



Well-Known Member
I'll throw in my support, a committed player who has contributed to the server through both roleplay and construction. Has sometimes been a little to eager to jump on the admin abuse train at times, but hopefully being a sub-admin himself will cure this.

Could prove useful too to have a few more sentries in the new world. If any prospective sentries read this post I'd encourage them to apply sooner rather than later.


Well-Known Member
Hmm, I'm not sure.

Equal parts you are indeed helpful to the new people, and could well moderate chat, both of which are key to being a sentry. But you also tend to see things as a tad over dramatised, and spread this view to others. Either way I do not say yes, or no at this point.


Well-Known Member
mopb3 said:
You tend to see things as a tad over dramatised, and spread this view to others. point.
Calling admin abuse a little too often is part of this. You can sometimes be a little too sensitive. Again, one would hope that if you become a sub-admin yourself you might not do this so much, and maybe get thicker skin from the responsibility.


In defense of Art, this entire server is fairly dramatic.

You stole from me? I will steal everything you own, everything you will own, and everything your friends own until they quit the server. Oh, and I hope you catch cancer.

With the amount of time spent on the server, and the fact that he hasn't gone entirely cynical and evil after being repeatedly stolen from, talked about behind his back, and the target of verbal (textual? w/e) abuse on multiple occasions, really, he absolutely deserves it. You have to absolutely love the community of the server after all of that, and he can't really botch the job any worse than our current admins.


Active Member
Art knows the server really well: all the rules, people, as well as being Slicer for months. Even if he does overdramatise it's not going to end in him banning someone for breaking one block as a result. Overanalysing is often sensible. I think he will make a really good Sentry :)
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