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Ascalon Map


Active Member
Ascalon Map


I have made a 1:4 map of the entire continent Ascalon and I have marked all of the towns that I can. The map is 14x19 maps and that is a total of 266 maps. Towns are marked with named banners with a certain color, like the picture below. I have also marked ruins, dock and elder's rest.

SO, I can finally start selling my map but for a much higher price, unfortunately. Because I finished it like 5 months ago some of it (most of the ocean around Ascalon too) will be outdated.

- The price for the map will be 117 120 shards (1 830 cores).
"Cheap" - If you want a lower price you can trade me 1064 iron ingots (16 stacks and 40 iron ingots), this will make the price 107 120 shards (1 673 shards and 48