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At what level should industries be unlocked?

At what level should industries be unlocked?

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Old One
Staff member
Old One
On the previous world industries for each skill were unlocked at level 50. I recently proposed this would change to 20 and I know some thought that was too low. The advantage of having it at a lower level is it exposes new towns to industries quicker and helps towns plan where to place them since they are unlocked so much earlier. Industries will also improve when the corresponding skill is leveled up. Please let me know bellow in more detail your opinion on the matter. Thanks!


Active Member
Industries will also improve when the corresponding skill is leveled up.
This sounds like a great idea.

I had previously thought that you had changed it so that the overall town level had to be 20 to unlock all of the industries. That would have taken too long for many towns. But as individual skills, 20 is an easy level to get--for some of them, anyway. I was at 20 in enchanting pretty quickly.

Question: does the leveling up get more difficult the higher one gets? For example, does it take longer to get from 30 to 40 than it does to get from 10 to 20? If that is so (sometimes I got that sense in the previous world), then something lower than 50 might be good (30 maybe).


Old One
Staff member
Old One
Question: does the leveling up get more difficult the higher one gets? For example, does it take longer to get from 30 to 40 than it does to get from 10 to 20? If that is so (sometimes I got that sense in the previous world), then something lower than 50 might be good (30 maybe).

Correct the higher your level the harder it is to reach the next level.


I'd say 40 sounds about right. While it shouldn't be too hard get the industrial buildings, I do believe people have to work to unlock them, giving them more purpose behind leveling each town skills.


Well-Known Member
I disagree.

Level 40 might be okay now, but not if the plan goes through to bump up the amount of experience required for every level. Level 40 will essentially be end-game for a town and with how industries work currently there would be little to gain from anything but the mining industry. I think something in the range of level 20-30 would be best along with slowly scaling effectiveness as you continue increasing that skill's level. That way you can use industries to help build up your town and train the skills, but it wouldn't be overpowered.
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Active Member
Level 40 will essentially be end-game for a town and with how industries work currently there would be little to gain from anything but the mining industry

Are you saying that there would be little to gain from other industries because they simply aren't productive enough at any level?
Or are you saying that, at that industry level and that stage of a town's development, you will no longer need the resources?

Either way that seems like more of a problem with industries than the level at which you unlock them.