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Back in my day...


Well-Known Member
I thought it'd make an interesting read for all of us if those who played back in Minecraft Alpha or early Beta posted things they remember about it. Whether it's a feature, lack of a feature, or an experience, post away!

@ Everyone else (+ ye old timers)

Was there a particular video or LP series that got you into Minecraft?


Well-Known Member
My favorite feature was the ability to store items in your personal 2x2 crafting square. Not only was it an extra four storage spaces, but it made caving much faster because you had a 1-click supply of torches.


Well-Known Member
I remember having snow worlds, that was when I decided I didn't like snow.

Oh and X's series was a pretty good one back then, and one of the only.


Ah, Seananners' original minecraft LP series was the best. Kind of showed a little magic in the game which seems to have been lost now.

My original world back in alpha, damn. That was awesome.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
I remember when you could properly hide chests in holes because they were a whole block, and people with xray textures still couldnt see them. Those were the days.


Well-Known Member
How about when the top of a furnace had the texture of stone? Was it a stone floor, or a bunch of hidden furnaces for storage?

Oh and X's series was a pretty good one back then, and one of the only.

Yup... Adventure to Death Mountain and the famous X Combo!


I remember joining in 1.3? and discovering wolves and birch trees for the first time. I wish I had my :eek: face reaction in a picture.
I really didn't watch LP's, I would watch tutorials so I could learn to build, and then turn it into my own building style.