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Suggestion Balak Changes (Continent vs. Continent)


Active Member

Regardless of the outcome, my recommendation is this: instead of having Balak be a reward for the victors of Continental Capitals, and having the Capitals duke it out on Balak, turn Balak into a different style of continent. Instead of having Capital vs Capital, we can have Continent vs Continent. Let me explain.

Say that there’s 10~ solo towns per continent, and 1-2 major alliances per continent. The only people who are able to warp to a Balak fight are those who are in the alliance that is already Continental Capital. This narrows down the amount of players who can warp to a Balak fight by quite a lot, and this actually incentivizes the consolidation of the playerbase into 1-2 alliances. Since people wanna warp to Balak, they’ll join whoever is Continental Capital in order to warp.

From a gameplay perspective, a number of things change about Balak:

Question 1: How would Balak buffs work if Balak became a matter of Continent vs. Continent as opposed to Capital vs. Capital?

Answer: Simple! Balak buffs would apply to all members of towns on the continent that currently owns that Balak tile. If Ascalon owns Double Drops and Nether Industries, all Ascalon towns benefit from these Balak buffs. This creates further incentive for continental rivals to work together to win Balak; they know that being able to choose world policies and have access to all these Balak buffs is worth having to work together.

Question 2: How do we decide which town/alliance would be crowned as World Capital, should a given continent (e.x. Kalros) win a Balak month?

Answer: I would suggest one of two solutions. Option A: At the start of each month, town owners on each continent vote for which town/alliance they want to represent them as World Capital if they should win Balak. Option B: The "alliance leader" for each continent on Balak is just whatever town or alliance is currently continent Capital.

Question 3: How do we decide who has perms to access the Warp Selector for Balak, and how do we decide upon the "in-game leadership" of the Continent Coalitions? Who can start warp and whatnot for Balak fights?

Answer: I'd recommend that any town full owner or subowner on any of the continents should have perms to start warp or mod tiles, and any player warping should have perms to request that the warp beacon be activated. As for the matter of who has access to the Warp Selector, again, I turn to democracy. A pool of anywhere from 5-15 players should be voted upon at the start of each month, and these 5-15 players per continent are the ones who can access the Warp Selector and have place perms for Balak. These players should be highly trusted so that they can't grief the warp and ruin a fight. In the event that they remove 60 people from warp to throw a fight, this would be considered win-trading, and the offending player would be punished appropriately, so yes, there ARE consequences for misusing the Warp Selector, whether it's for continental fights or Balak fights.

Question 4: If the only big fights on LokaMC anymore are going to be on Balak, a large portion of the "mass recruit" playerbase only exists to warp to these big fights. These players will get bored if they're only warping to 1, and at maximum 2, Balak fights a day. Do you propose a solution to this problem? After all, with big fights on continent, you can attack 3 times a day and defend 5 times a day, for a maximum 8 fights a day! You are restricting the number of fights these players can go to, so how do you propose we keep these players warping and having fun?

Answer: 3 Continent Attacks, 5 Continent Defenses. 3 Balak Attacks, 5 Balak Defenses.

Question 5: How would "Balak Races" work under this new system? If you get 3 Balak Attacks per day, you could see 9 Balak neutrals taken on the first day after Conquest Truce is over. What do you make of that?

Answer: To that, I would say to impose this restriction: You're only allowed to place 1 Balak neutral per 24 hours. Of course, placing a neutral still uses up one of your 3 Balak Attacks, but the way I see it is this: you should still be forced to be strategic with your Balak neutral taking strategy. You should have to weigh out the pros and cons of either making a mad dash towards the center of Balak to cut your opponents off from more tiles (more Balak Strength), or making a 1-day detour to slurp up an extra Balak buff. Alliances should still be forced to make these calculations and make these decisions, but there should also be plenty of fights and pvp on Balak to compensate for the lack of "huge 100v100 fights" on continent. I think giving out 3 daily Balak Attacks but limiting the number of neutrals you can place to 1 seems reasonable enough to me!

This proposal exists independently of the 3 prior ideas. While the Warp Selector and Conquest Parameters only exist within the bubble of the 40v40 Continental Fight Cap, this idea exists completely separately. It could be implemented alongside the 40v40 Continental Fight Cap, it could be implemented without the implementation of the 40v40 Continental Fight Cap, or the 40v40 Continental Fight Cap could be implemented without the implementation of these Balak Changes. My opinion is that these Balak Changes would fit very well with a 40v40 Continental Fight Cap, and if one is implemented, so should the other, but to be honest, this idea is simple enough to stand on its own without any other prior updates, although it works nicely in conjunction with the fight cap.

For further reading (justifications and detailed explanations) of my suggestions, I refer you to https://tinyurl.com/Conquest4

Hello Lokans! Welcome to my suggestions on how to change Conquest! This series of 4 posts will discuss ONLY the actual ideas themselves.

The defenses of these ideas, the justifications for their implementation, the rebuttals to potential counterarguments, and more can be found by clicking the link above.
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