Date of ban: 28/12/2022 (2 Years ago)
Banned IGN: FUn3kykittenuwu (Current xicz)
Last appeal:
last alt: i still believe the last time i alted was a year ago or more but i might be mistaken as last time i said this i got told i did alt but i am still not aware of it. It may of been a miss understanding
Reason For Original Ban:
Ban Assisting my friend & after that i alted i believe 4 times with 3 attempts (I am not 100% on this i may be wrong)
Last appeal:
I am still not sure about what alt i had '6 months ago' that was said in my last appeal and i tried to contact magpieman about it as i believe it might of been a miss understanding but i didn't get an answer
I want to first state i am fully sorry to ANYONE I offended, Cursed at, and was rude to on loka. When i was banned i was 15 and i am 17! I believe i have fully matured since my ban becoming a new person and not acting nearly as stupid as i did back then.
If this appeal gets denied i most likely will not be making a new one as i am not online as much as i used to be in general. Besides that i have tons of friends on loka asking me ''Xicz when loka unban!!'' I have been striving to play loka again especially with my friends, recently i have gotten into diamond pot a lot and really want to try loka ranked too as it seems really fun and i didn't have to much time on loka when i played to actually play it. Loka is by far the Most fun and best server's in this community and it frustrates me how much i have missed of it from being a straight up idiot.
For the past year or so i have even created some of my own servers (PvP Practice & Faction type of one's) From an owner perspective i now understand much more how players rule breaking actions mess up servers so much and i understand the consequences of them being strict much more now. I always used to wonder why Loka seemed to be so strict but i fully understand now. Trying new thing's like this has made me learn loads and realise how good loka actually is and how fun it is to actually play a good server. I have been trying to find other good servers to replace loka from not being able to play and nothing has ever come place to how fun loka actually is and its why i really want to come back to loka and its community.
When i was first banned and during lots of time whilst being banned lot's of players in this community actually disliked me for mostly fair enough reasons. I feel like most people's perspective of me has changed in the past 10 months as seen in my appeals.
If this gets denied like my other appeals PLEASE Let me know when i should appeal for a chance of being unbanned, and if this is a no then i understand it's for the best.
Banned IGN: FUn3kykittenuwu (Current xicz)
Last appeal:
last alt: i still believe the last time i alted was a year ago or more but i might be mistaken as last time i said this i got told i did alt but i am still not aware of it. It may of been a miss understanding
Reason For Original Ban:
Ban Assisting my friend & after that i alted i believe 4 times with 3 attempts (I am not 100% on this i may be wrong)
Last appeal:
I am still not sure about what alt i had '6 months ago' that was said in my last appeal and i tried to contact magpieman about it as i believe it might of been a miss understanding but i didn't get an answer
I want to first state i am fully sorry to ANYONE I offended, Cursed at, and was rude to on loka. When i was banned i was 15 and i am 17! I believe i have fully matured since my ban becoming a new person and not acting nearly as stupid as i did back then.
If this appeal gets denied i most likely will not be making a new one as i am not online as much as i used to be in general. Besides that i have tons of friends on loka asking me ''Xicz when loka unban!!'' I have been striving to play loka again especially with my friends, recently i have gotten into diamond pot a lot and really want to try loka ranked too as it seems really fun and i didn't have to much time on loka when i played to actually play it. Loka is by far the Most fun and best server's in this community and it frustrates me how much i have missed of it from being a straight up idiot.
For the past year or so i have even created some of my own servers (PvP Practice & Faction type of one's) From an owner perspective i now understand much more how players rule breaking actions mess up servers so much and i understand the consequences of them being strict much more now. I always used to wonder why Loka seemed to be so strict but i fully understand now. Trying new thing's like this has made me learn loads and realise how good loka actually is and how fun it is to actually play a good server. I have been trying to find other good servers to replace loka from not being able to play and nothing has ever come place to how fun loka actually is and its why i really want to come back to loka and its community.
When i was first banned and during lots of time whilst being banned lot's of players in this community actually disliked me for mostly fair enough reasons. I feel like most people's perspective of me has changed in the past 10 months as seen in my appeals.
If this gets denied like my other appeals PLEASE Let me know when i should appeal for a chance of being unbanned, and if this is a no then i understand it's for the best.