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Suggestion ban appeal rework


Well-Known Member
change how ban appeals work in a few ways

One: make ban appeals go through a admin checkmark (So admins have to accept/approve appeals to see them posted to the public) and means theres alot less appeals and the average player sees a larger % of the appeals rather then just seeing a million
Two: Make the evidence for keeping a person banned much more strict and should only apply to servers where the identity of the committing party can be confirmed (Theres many way to fake screenshots)
Three: all appeals should be denied/accepted on the last day of every month and the admin list i suggested, the first (Maybe make them to every other month so appeals posted in jan -> accepted/denied the last day of feb -> or any other systems)

These 3 systems would make it much more transparent and more importantly know / when you could get unbanned which i believe is why people dislike the ban appeal system so much


Active Member
Ban appeals shouldn't be a priority to staff, a banned player shouldn't have priority over anything (and it doesn't, which is probably why it takes awhile I'm assuming). Just don't get banned. There's no need for transparency, if your banned your banned simple as that. However I do think having guardians check over the appeals could be interesting bc 80% of the appeals made are obvious declines. Although it could mess with like consistently appealing (for ex. when someone appeals and staff declines but mentions they are interested in another appeal later etc.).

edit: just saw this lol couldnt have said it better
Banned players have no right to be unbanned. They waste huge amounts of our time both in getting banned in the first place and then through appeals. If anything we will extend the time on this rule as many people's appeals are a bit of joke and certain individuals spam them. To add to this if we reject an appeal, there is zero chance we will unban them within 3 months anyway, as if we would then we would change it to a temp ban.
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New Member
heavy heavy on fake evidence, and the first one, the amount of random -1 from ingame beef/ real life politics dislike (israel vs palestine) is unreal and non beneciail to the server +1


Well-Known Member
What the hell is the point of the first change? Why should you need permission to make an appeal??
how many meme appeals are made that flood the general ban appeal fourm or is under 3 months or is a blacklist appeal it just floods the overall ban appeal list million reasons why


Well-Known Member
Ban appeals shouldn't be a priority to staff, a banned player shouldn't have priority over anything (and it doesn't, which is probably why it takes awhile I'm assuming). Just don't get banned. There's no need for transparency, if your banned your banned simple as that. However I do think having guardians check over the appeals could be interesting bc 80% of the appeals made are obvious declines. Although it could mess with like consistently appealing (for ex. when someone appeals and staff declines but mentions they are interested in another appeal later etc.).

edit: just saw this lol couldnt have said it better
not a priority more so just like a dedicated system and the current time frame is about the same. just having dedicated dates always works better IMO.

The need for transparency in my eyes is simply because of fake evidence and (From my current understanding of how loka reviews their evidence) it isn't conclusive enough

Like i said above meme appeals and scrolling through a million appeals just dilutes the forum and theres no need for 70 people to respond to one guy saying L you appealed in 2 months and 29 days not 3 months less ban appeals = more people looking at them = higher chances of their true character to be shown 👍


Ban appeals shouldn't be a priority to staff, a banned player shouldn't have priority over anything (and it doesn't, which is probably why it takes awhile I'm assuming). Just don't get banned. There's no need for transparency, if your banned your banned simple as that. However I do think having guardians check over the appeals could be interesting bc 80% of the appeals made are obvious declines. Although it could mess with like consistently appealing (for ex. when someone appeals and staff declines but mentions they are interested in another appeal later etc.).

edit: just saw this lol couldnt have said it better
I agree staff members have other stuff to do, then read appeals everyday or at a fix time to do it. Especially admins who have to work on bettering the server rather then look at appeals, of players who have be warned multiple times before their ban. I do agree tho with the SS as I have seen how easy it is to fake those


Well-Known Member
1. I'm not even sure they can do that on the forums, and it's a waste of time. The only person you'd be hiding the appeal from is the public. If you want to make a meme appeal, you have every right to. But that doesn't mean you will have the right to them listening to you.
2. No opinion as idrc.
3. You are not given the right to a fast and speedy unban. The admins should be able to spend as much time as they need on a case. You have already wasted the staffs time, we'll waste yours.


Well-Known Member
1. I'm not even sure they can do that on the forums, and it's a waste of time. The only person you'd be hiding the appeal from is the public. If you want to make a meme appeal, you have every right to. But that doesn't mean you will have the right to them listening to you.
2. No opinion as idrc.
3. You are not given the right to a fast and speedy unban. The admins should be able to spend as much time as they need on a case. You have already wasted the staffs time, we'll waste yours.
1. Skill issue ig if it’s not possible gg
2. You should because from my understanding the process is very flawed
3: that’s the average time table for a loka unban appeal which is why I based it off a every other month model all it is doing is providing dates for when appeals would be answered


Well-Known Member
1. Skill issue ig if it’s not possible gg
2. You should because from my understanding the process is very flawed
3: that’s the average time table for a loka unban appeal which is why I based it off a every other month model all it is doing is providing dates for when appeals would be answered
2. I don't need to have an opinion on everything, however fine. The system works fine as is, if you've made enemies. Too bad. If you've made enemies that still hate you, that tells a lot about your character.
3. Doesn't matter, you don't deserve a right to an unban. You get it when you get it. Don't care if it's the average. You should get unbanned when the elders go through it when they have the time, you shouldn't be getting rewarded by a quick review process by posting your unban at the end of the month. Don't get banned in the first place.

Staff apps aren't even reviewed on any schedule, why should those getting banned get first dibs when loka could focus on reviewing/promoting more trustworthy and less time wasting individuals.


Well-Known Member
and the first one, the amount of random -1 from ingame beef/ real life politics dislike (israel vs palestine) is unreal and non beneciail to the server +1
So people can't post their own opinions on other people's ban appeals? The whole point of the appeal is to show whether you have reformed or not. What would the appeal even be if there were only +1s because they are "not allowed" to give -1s due to "in-game beef"?


Well-Known Member
What is your current understanding about how we review our evidence?
Based off the video the guy made showing how to get someone banned and the fact I haven’t seen a change in the reporting of players from my friends, I might be off the mark but I haven’t seen the process change


New Member
No, but purely just writing -1 for no reason only negatively impacts appeals and taints staff perspective on players. "-1 player is very rude and tends to be racist in voice chats" is ok versus "-1" because ALOT of -1s are related to ingame beef I've seen appeals with the owners of alliances being -1ed by the entirity of other enemy alliances.

Also the whole point of an appeal is to show you have reformed sure but what do other players know of that if you aren't active in the community since your ban? Expressing opinions at the expense of the appealer? From what disliking their political views which they dont publically disclose and could be in their bio or something similar? Because they cheat 2v1s at Zyre?

Their is a large difference between expressing your opinion versus wanting an ingame advantage or wanting to get back at someone and abusing the player upheld forum system .

It is EXTREMELY evident people minus 1 appeals from personal dislikes that could not have been loka related.

People don't even read the appeals literally just now you commented on my appeal saying I appealed too early (it's a false ban??) as if you wanted me to stay banned for doing nothing and just expect to re appeal in 1-2 years apologizing for something I didn't even do or know what I did?

The system needs a revamp and it's pretty obvious


Well-Known Member
No, but purely just writing -1 for no reason only negatively impacts appeals and taints staff perspective on players. "-1 player is very rude and tends to be racist in voice chats" is ok versus "-1" because ALOT of -1s are related to ingame beef I've seen appeals with the owners of alliances being -1ed by the entirity of other enemy alliances.

Also the whole point of an appeal is to show you have reformed sure but what do other players know of that if you aren't active in the community since your ban? Expressing opinions at the expense of the appealer? From what disliking their political views which they dont publically disclose and could be in their bio or something similar? Because they cheat 2v1s at Zyre?

Their is a large difference between expressing your opinion versus wanting an ingame advantage or wanting to get back at someone and abusing the player upheld forum system .

It is EXTREMELY evident people minus 1 appeals from personal dislikes that could not have been loka related.

People don't even read the appeals literally just now you commented on my appeal saying I appealed too early (it's a false ban??) as if you wanted me to stay banned for doing nothing and just expect to re appeal in 1-2 years apologizing for something I didn't even do or know what I did?

The system needs a revamp and it's pretty obvious
I think you are seriously over estimating how much the staff actually care about all the -1s and +1s. They play a very *miniscule*, if any impact on most (not all, as absolutes don't exist) appeals.

This has been stated by mag several times. If you want someone to remained banned/Muted. You need to provide evidence, and that's a whole other ballgame I'm not interested in arguing.