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Ban Appeal Xx_ToxicMiner_xX

Who banned you Shiro_Moon(It was something like that)
Why Were you banned: General Hacked Client
When were you banned: Around 7:45 EST 2/16/15
Here is were people would usually say im sorry and i wont do it again and how i removed it. I know you have heard it all. Bottom line:
I got banned for using a hacked client which i have uninstalled (Ill show you Via skype if needed)
I want to be repealed, I did use hacks i went against the servers rules
Account Name: Xx_ToxicMiner_xX
Reason why you would like to be unbanned: I would like to continue the contruction of buildings in our town
i know i wont be unbanned for about a week or eternity if denied for punishment, i will be waiting for my return bye for now loka
The Alt was used to find this forum though it was breaking the rules i needed to appeal my ban for this server alt was known as beastdirtbiker


Active Member
Unfortunately, simply uninstalling a client doesn't merit lifting a ban. Not to mention you could simply turn around and reinstall it.

We take care that people know the rules and you've been flagged in the past for infractions. The fact that you say you won't apologize because we've heard it all before seems like you have no remorse for breaking any rules in the first place. That alone is bad enough but coupled with multiple instances of breaking some of the higher priority rules solidifies the decision she made.

I don't believe you'll be seeing this lifted but it'll be reviewed for the sake of due process, I'm sure. Crypt and Mag hold the ultimate decision.


Staff member
You were banned in the past for xraying and now for fly hacks. As a result, this ban will remain permanent.

Jarl Pellanor

New Member
from what i have picked up, you have broken the rules before. The creators of the server created the trainee course for a reason. I do not believe you have any excuses (let alone worth-while ones). Correct me if im wrong.


Active Member
Not trying to be rude but it isn't really your place to say something in an issue such as this one. Just let the admins handle the issue, they are the ones that have all the information.

He's just commenting on the information available from this thread. You don't have to be an admin to have an opinion.