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Ban appeal

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New Member
I am writing to appeal the ban I received from Loka Minecraft. I am so sorry for the words I used and the damage they caused. Now I understand that what I said was wrong and I regret my actions.
in this time I have learned a lot about myself and the impact of my words. I have become a more compassionate and friendly person, and I am committed to using my words and actions to encourage and support others, rather than hurt them.
I want to take this opportunity to apologize to anyone who has been affected by my words. I understand that my words were hurtful and offensive,

Thank you for considering my appeal. I am sorry for any inconvenience this has caused and hope you will give me the opportunity to make things right.

-ign asesinando


Well-Known Member
You cant get unbanned by spamming appeals.
In order to get unbanned in Loka, a few months has to pass between every appeal, spamming appeals is not the way you are going to get bad.
From what I know of you have lied in your appeals before,doxxed people and used hacks in loka, I'd say wait about 5-6 months at LEAST before making an appeal.
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