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Ban appeal?

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New Member
Date of Ban: 5/8/23 (false ban)

Hello everyone whom is reading, I hope you're having a good day or night when reading this, I want to start this appeal with some context.

So yesterday, when I was at school I was banned as an “Alt Account” now me not doing anything wrong (I believe at least) curious or confused why I would be banned. So I joined the discord server after asking a peer for an invite to it, afterwards, I made a ticket asking why or if I could be unbanned or a reason why. 1683662595085.png

The next day an admin, Magpieman_ "We believe you are an alt, if you want to contest this you may on the forums here" 1683662609658.png
Now that I have provided the context, I will get into why I should be unbanned and also why I believe the ban reason is false.

Proof / Why it is false: What I mean by this, is there is no significant proof of me being an alt and it is not just as simple as that, of course everyone has the right to report a peer who they believe is an alt. But, I can do whatever is necessary to being unbanned this includes: Screensharing everything needed for the precautions (this includes my logs from when I was actually playing the server.) I believe, the reason for my ban was because of accusations of it rather then significant solid evidence and I will go far and beyond to prove I am innocence and was falsely banned. By saying this I am not attempting to bash the staff for the decision rather I understand where they are coming from trying to be protective to make sure nobody can get through that shouldn't be able to.

Why I want to be unbanned: I believe Loka is a server not like many others because you are free to do whatever you like which can vary on what your preference or what you want to do. I like this and also I enjoy PvPing and also building in the future. I also want to get a grasp of the 1.9+ combat system and see the different aspects and how to get better at it as it is always fun to add things to your ability.

Thank you for reading and I hope to see many of you again on Loka when I’m unbanned. (not my main language apologize for grammar issues if there are any.)
If you have any questions make sure to hit up my discord, honk#0002
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Active Member
joins 2 days ago > gets geared > goes gank isle > gets banned for being an alt > "I also want to get a grasp of the 1.9+ combat system and see the different aspects and how to get better at it as it is always fun to add things to your ability."


New Member
joins 2 days ago > gets geared > goes gank isle > gets banned for being an alt > "I also want to get a grasp of the 1.9+ combat system and see the different aspects and how to get better at it as it is always fun to add things to your ability."
I went when there was 10 or more of my allies and would just stick with them trying to grasp the mechanics since it’s different obviously


New Member
joins 2 days ago > gets geared > goes gank isle > gets banned for being an alt > "I also want to get a grasp of the 1.9+ combat system and see the different aspects and how to get better at it as it is always fun to add things to your ability."
also i was on the whole day and tested out different things not just going Cove
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