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Beach Heads


Well-Known Member
Beach heads are made so that every player can go to the fights, if they are accepted as reins. It would be better if they just chose to fight for that side and they didn't need perms. This would also prevent beach heading while the town owner is offline. IDK what beach heads are going to be like in Conquest 3 but I would really like to see this happen.


Well-Known Member
I think beacheads are gonna be removed in conquest 3. Anyways that is a terrible idea, players can join the opposite side and start killing their own teammates without getting atacked by golems or modules, making it easier and taking advantage of the situation.

Also if a town is getting beacheaded and they want to defend they should at least get on to accept reins, considering vulnerable times is a thing and they have two hours to do it, its the less they should do


Staff member
Yeah, invasions are being removed in C3. Also, if no owners are online to accept your request for a reins fight, you actually get automatically accepted close to the start of the fight.