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Beginner town?


Well-Known Member
Okay. So like about eight people joined within 10m. Most of them wanted to join a town. Pard said something to me about "Too bad theres not a beginner town.". I was like "OH MY FEATHERS!" That is an amazing idea. What if we made some kind of town near spawn that accepts all new people who want to join a town. They can learn the basics. How many wanderers want to join a town the moment they join the server? Almost all of them. In towns we tend to only let active people in....but they be active only to be in a town. If we let them in, and let them stay active in a beginner town, they will realize they love the server, and eventually join a, for lack of a better word, real town. The ones who wouldn't like the server anyway will leave, and the people who will make good Lokans will stay. I think. When I joined I wanted to join Asgard, so I didn't leave, (that, and Def said most people left when they joined. I wanted to prove him wrong...) and when I joined Asgard, I stayed active. I think if we have some kind of beginner town for people to learn the basics of the towns and the sever, we may have a boost in active, dedicated players, and not just wanderers.
What would be UNDOUBTEDLY better is if the towns we currently have on Loka decided to let new players join..... Sadly I don't think that will be happening often, due to new players not always being worthwhile, contributing, pleasant, clever, trustworthy, active, etc.
Maybe we could have a town or community where new players can see what being in a town is like, only without a gen, so it's not actually safe from raiders. (Because I know how much you would complain if I suggested raider-free zones for noobs, Psy ;) ) That way they can team up, get resources, build - but the actual benefits of being in their own town far outweigh it.
Maybe we could tie this in with spawn town - who knows?
This is an idea that's been concepted several times, but unfortunately repeatedly fails to come to fruition. The idea at its core is sound, but there are some other aspects to it that cause some issues.

For example, a town in which "any member can join" will have a tendency, unfortunately, to look as though it was built hastily, without much thought, and only as a temporary measure. What will end up happening without constant oversight from admins and whatnot is a slum town that looks pretty awful and may end up warding off more players than it attracts.

One idea that the admins threw around was to simply build the town ourselves (enforcing style and visual aesthetics, rather than leaving it to the new players themselves). We could then rent out houses to players for a period of time, after which they're kicked out of their house and must then survive in the wild.

Players' temporary homes would be build protected, small, and afford them the essentials to have a place to live for a short while, but not so much that they would be comfortable. Ideally, the house would be suitable for an average player for a few days, but that intrepid or skilled players would quickly outgrow the house and decide to move on of their own volition.

If we can figure out a decent way around some of these shortfalls and we can come up with a pretty sound system of how the town would work, I'm all ears.
In the past there have been towns who would recruit pretty much anyone, Haven and Tolbert come to mind. The problem with towns like these is not the recruitment, it wouldn't be too hard to pull off with a few bubble gens. They just lack proper leadership. People who are skilled and wealthy players are not usually looking to recruit just anyone, they want someone as knowledgeable and hardworking as they are. So the answer to this problem isn't a server run town, but for a good leader to step up and run the town of new players. I'd be happy to assist if anyone wants to do this.
Psychedelic98 said:
I'd be happy to assist if anyone wants to do this.

This is not okay. Hyhu, Cryptie, you've turned this topic from a brilliant suggestion to a random discussion. We need to focus on the task at hand, and right now that is a beginner town. Later we can laugh at each other, but right now, we work.